10/21 Monmouth Vicinage Int'l Celebration Set for Oct. 25


By John Burton
FREEHOLD — The Monmouth County Courthouse will be the setting for the Monmouth Vicinage International Celebration on Friday, Oct. 25.
The event, named “A Celebration of World Cultures: Bringing Together the Courts and the Community,” will be from noon to 2 p.m. at the courthouse, 71 Monmouth Park, and will feature 16 cultural performances, along with exhibitions of artwork and artifacts and food selections representing many cultures from around the world.
Among those scheduled to appear and perform are the Pipes and Drums of the Atlantic Watch, a Chinese lion dance by students from the Monmouth Chinese School, Marlboro, and members of the Howell High School Pulse International Club who will play steel drums. Judiciary staff members will perform songs and dance numbers, representing their cultural heritages. And there will be the art of working artists from Chile, Egypt, Ghana, and elsewhere. Monmouth County Assignment Judge Lawrence M. Lawson and trial court administrator will speak at the event.
The program is free and open to the public.