

Yes, I admit I am a weakling. Ask my good friends and family and they will attest to my lack of physical strength. I’ve made a second career of avoiding exercise, albeit a poor one. It’s a job without payoff or benefits and while I might have been working hard at avoiding hard workouts, my body has paid the price. I was tone deaf.
But not any longer. A few weeks ago I began my latest mission — strength training and cardio workouts with my personal trainer Jenny Costello. Everyone should have someone like Jenny. She cares about my nutrition and how I feel overall, she motivates and inspires me. I was at a point in my life where it no longer made sense to avoid a structured exercise routine. Hiring Jenny made complete sense. It was an investment in me — in my well being.
Jenny and I were a natural pairing from the start. And knowing how I love a good story, Jenny had one. A resourceful person, she made a career change from finance to fitness so that she could be closer to home to care for her young children. She turned her passion into a business. I love that kind of story.
My recent dedication to fitness has helped in all areas of my life. I’m enjoying more of what I took for granted for many years: preserving the precious gift of living well. We all deserve this.
Here’s to progress.
For more information about Jenny Costello’s personal training sessions and boot camps, call (732) 778-2385.
Please e-mail me at