Middletown South Art Students Score Contest Win with Unique Sneakers


By John Burton
MIDDLETOWN – Middletown High School South art students have won recognition and money for their school art program from a national contest sponsored by the Vans sneaker company.
The students submitted sneaker designs they created works of art representing the Jersey Shore for a contest sponsored by Vans sneaker company. The students won $4,000 from Vans as one of the top five entrees from schools around the country. In addition, Journeys, a chain of sneaker and athletic shoe stores, has awarded $10,000 for having the best in the “local flavor” category, one of four categories for the contest. That money will go to the school’s art department.
The students submission depicted their experiences in dealing with Super Storm Sandy’s impact on the Jersey Shore.
A story about the students and the contest appeared in the May 10-17 issue of The Two River Times.