Skywatch For The Week Of August 17-24, 2012


By Flo Higgins

People celebrating a birthday this week are born on the cusp of Leo and Virgo. This is a combination of the Leo fire and the Virgo earth. The dramatic versus the practical. Trying to combine these energies together is a challenge, but if we remember challenge makes us stronger, then these birthday people are tough and have an inner strength.
Combining the drama with the practical needs of life offers a combination of harmony and love that these birthday people have within their power.
Learning to interact with the drama and intelligence of life and bring this awareness into their lives is important to these people.
A Leo-Virgo is a hard worker and always seeking perfection. They can be critical of others but never as critical as they are of themselves. Dealing with the drama and avoiding the critical attitude is the purpose of those born this week.
Understanding the need to be of service is paramount to the Leo-Virgo birthday person.
People born this week: Giuliana Rancic, Aug. 17, 1975; Robert Redford, Aug. 18, 1936; John Stamos, Aug. 19, 1963; Demi Lovato, Aug. 20, 1992; Usain Bolt, Aug. 21, 1986; Bill Parcells, Aug. 22, 1941; Shelley Long, Aug. 23, 1949; Cal Ripken Jr., Aug. 24, 1960.
The new moon on Friday, Aug. 17, offers the opportunity to get started on projects you have had on hold. The time has arrived.
GOP VP candidate Paul Ryan is a member of Congress who has represented Wiscon­sin since 1998. He is an Aquarian, born Jan. 29, 1970.
Aries (March 21 to April 20) The planets are lined up to help you move on in your life. So if you have been waiting for the perfect time to make a move, it is here. Mars, Uranus, Saturn and Pluto are all in perfect astral order for you – and then we have a new moon on Friday the 17th. You could not ask for a better heavenly set-up for your success. No matter what the project, move on it.
Taurus (April 21 to May 20) The new moon on Friday is a signal to reconsider some of your recent decisions and clean up your act so that new adventures can begin. An old pal could turn up and create opportunities to take some new steps forward. If the delay continues, review the real reasons and try dealing with them. You will love the outcome.
Gemini (May 21 to June 20) This should be your time to shine. The ideas that keep popping into your mind need a place to rest. Start taking notes so you can outline a future project. Just weeks from now you will be happy you did. It is really time to follow your heart and do what needs to be done. You are in the right place at the right time to make things happen.
Cancer (June 21 to July 20) When you really change your attitude you will see a new and bright horizon pop up out of nowhere. Like many moon-sign people, you may have been dodging the real issues here but the time has come to look at what is really going on. You are a kind and loving soul and that is the type of environment you need for yourself. Your responsibility is to get it.
Leo (July 21 to Aug. 20) Facing the truth is sometimes difficult, but use your brilliant mind and discover what it is you really want. You will be so pleased once you make a move in a new direction. After all, if you don’t seem to like what you are doing, who else will? With this in mind, life is urging you to take a leap of faith and grab every opportunity that comes along.
Virgo (Aug. 21 to Sept. 20) As you head into your birthday month it might be good to expect the unexpected and then future happenings will be divine. A new friend could turn out to be just what you need and want. Go slowly and know you are in line for a soul mate experience. This could be a long-term romance, so let it happen.
Libra (Sept. 21 to Oct. 20) You should surpass your expectations in your newest project. So promote yourself well and expect more than ever and you will be pleased. You will see all of your hard work will start to pay off. Just remember your old pals once the success starts pouring into your life. A long ago pal will find you and want to renew the friendship. Think before you leap.
Scorpio (Oct. 21 to Nov. 20) It is time to emphasize your own needs and, if you decide to travel more, make the plans and get going. A meeting of the minds between you and a former friend could bring you tremendous peace of mind right now. Letting go of the past should also be on your list of things to get done.
Sagittarius (Nov. 21 to Dec. 20) Meeting new people should be on your agenda this week. With Uranus in Aries, you are in for some golden opportunities to expand your self and your ideas. Take advantage of the good times coming your way by traveling more and spending more time learning new ways of doing your jobs. It is time to widen your view of your heart’s desire.
Capricorn (Dec. 21 to Jan. 20) You are dealing with any number of conflicting urges and one urge could certainly be making more money. Since you have plenty of energy now, take some of it and put it into work. The more you involve yourself in career opportunities the more chance you have of winning the race. This week avoid saying too much about your future plans and it will help you succeed in the new venture.
Aquarius (Jan. 21 to Feb. 20)  The lesson of this week is to make sure you get your act together and stop getting involved with matters that are none of your business. Also, bring an end to doing more than is necessary in an effort to be liked. You will be liked for whatever you might do. It is your job to offer counsel and then move on to your next task. A new love could be just around the corner.
Pisces (Feb. 21 to March 20) It is time to realize that the ventures you are now involved in are exactly where you should be for your own good. Avoid taking on more than you can do and just keep motivated to finish what you start. There is no need to ask for favors from people you don’t care about. Your best bet is to honor yourself and do what you do best, which is service.
Flo Higgins is an astrologer. Her e-mail is