Skywatch For The Week Of June 1-8, 2012


By Flo Higgins

Communication is a highlight of the life of a Gemini. Whether this air sign is telling a tale, talking on the iPhone or just writing a text, they love to talk. They are flexible and can change their minds in a matter of minutes.
Also a Gemini needs plenty of space so they can do their thing. And their thing could be just about anything from traveling the world to writing a book.
They are hard to keep down on the farm once they have seen Broadway. They want to see the world. So it can be a challenge to get this air sign to settle down and stay in one place. Traveling and staying on the move is their heart’s wish. Angelina Jolie, who is a Gemini, is a fine example of the life on the move. And because of their constant need for activity they naturally have an attention span of about two minutes. If there is no action or drama, a Gemini would just as soon march on to another interest.
People born this week: Joe Namath, May 31, 1943; Alana Morissette, June 1, 1974; Jerry Mathers of Leave it to Beaver, fame, June 2, 1948; Anderson Cooper, June 3, 1967; Angelina Jolie, June 4, 1975; Mark Wahlberg, June 5, 1971; Staci Keanon, June 6, 1975; Jessica Tandy, June 7, 1909.
There will be a full moon and lunar eclipse on Monday, June 4, early in the morning when the moon is in Sagittarius. So be aware. Emotions will be riding high and unless you want to find yourself in the middle of a drama be cool. And stay even cooler if you are a Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or a Pisces because the eclipse will hit close to home and that means a change of pace.
Keep your opinions to yourself and stay away from negative people. Otherwise you will find yourself in the middle of a controversy.
Aries (March 21 to April 20) Life may not have been as easy as it could be but if you keep on trying to put things in their proper order it will pay off. People you trusted at one time could be suffering the consequences of their bad deeds, so you can forget about it. A new lover could be turning the corner of your life. So keep looking and trusting.
Taurus (April 21 to May 20) The time has come when you need to review your needs in friendships and then decide what you want to do. A simple phone call or text message can solve the situation. It could all be settled your way. With the full moon shining brightly in just days the time has come.
Gemini (May 21 to June 20) You are the smart one in any relationship and it is time to surrender and just let things happen. If you can do that you can be sure life will become much easier and kinder and you will feel 100 percent better.  If you spend less time talking and more time doing you will succeed this time around.
Cancer (June 21 to July 20) If you have made some adjustments in your life now you have to feel much better. But if you have been slow in getting started then focus on your needs and start moving.  After all there will be a lunar eclipse in just days and the emotions will force you to take some action. So be smart and plan your next step today.
Leo (July 21 to August 20). The eclipse in Sagittarius on Monday will shine on you and you can’t miss in achieving your goals – unless you ignore all of the signs and hide in the closet. It would be smart to design your moves for this week and then follow the agenda. Keep your eyes open for a new fan. You will love what life has in store for you.
Virgo (August 21 to September 20) The vim and vigor of Mars comes to a conclusion in early July. So now is the time to take advantage of the energy and make things happen your way. A new scheme of things could help you line up some new love interests plus you could make some good career moves. The time is right now to make the moves.
Libra (September 21 to October 20) The conflicting impact of Saturn in Libra will be over in October. That means you will feel wiser and be more relaxed. In the meantime lighten up on yourself and do the same for others. This is no time to leave things unfinished or incomplete. This is a time to complete projects and resolve issues. A friend could really help.
Scorpio (October 21 to November 20) If you make a promise now make sure you can keep it otherwise let it go. This is no time to waste energy on nonsense. This is time to clean up unfinished jobs and relationships and move on to bigger and better projects. Otherwise you will be stuck with someone or something you don’t want to do.
Sagittarius (November 21 to December 20) Life is going to change in the next six months and with that in mind act accordingly. The lunar eclipse on Monday is in your sign and you should start feeling the influence now. So map out some ideas and then proceed to follow through. Otherwise you could miss a really big chance at a dream.
Capricorn (December 21 to January 20) Now is the time to remember the work you do now will come back to haunt you within months. With that idea in mind it would be smart of you to do only good works. And remember, if we get caught up in the positive, that is what we get back. Do good works now and within weeks you will be repaid.
Aquarius (January 21 to February 20) A recent surprise should give you reason to reflect on your lifestyle. Change is going to be part of your agenda. With that idea in mind gather your wits and decide what is your dream. What would you like to do next? Once you get an idea then make a move. New people are also moving into your social circle.
Pisces (February 21 to March 20) Reach out to some new people in your circle of friends and you will find yourself in the middle of some real fun. Neptune is now in Pisces and this will bring mystical, magical people into your life. Try teaching a class or taking a class. You will enjoy anything involving the mysterious. Just try it.
Flo Higgins is an astrologer. Her email is