Skywatch For The Week Of June 29-July 6, 2012


By Flo Higgins

Anyone born this week has a tender heart, a sensitive soul and a love of family. Known as the Moon Child, Cancer folks are born with a real need for a momma and a family, but mostly a Momma. They need to feel the love of family and a home environment.
Because they are so sensitive, they often have hurt feelings and then become moody. If you are living with someone born this week and they have mood swings, before you get upset, check out what you have said and find out if it hurt their feelings.
Cancers enjoy cooking, gardening, actually anything to do with home and family makes a Moon Child happy and secure.
Some say Cancers are obsessed with their mothers. They either love them or have some serious issues with them. There is seldom an in between.
People born this week: John Cusack, June 28, 1966; Nelson Eddy, June 29, 1901; Mike Tyson, June 30, 1966; Liv Tyler, July 1, 1977; Lindsay Lohan, July 2, 1986; Tom Cruise, July 3, 1962; Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino, July 4, 1982; Shane Filan, July 5, 1979.
Emotions will be running high this week since the full moon is on July 3. You can expect the next day to bounce along with everyone waiting for fireworks and expecting the best. Mercury will go retrograde on Saturday, July 14, at 10:16 p.m. Might be a good idea to get contracts signed and work started before that date and then cool it until Aug. 8 when the planet goes direct.
Best day this week will be the early morning hours of Friday, June 29. It’s not too good after 4 p.m., but the rest of the day is fine.
Aries (March 21 to April 20) Certainly every opportunity to make improvements in your life is heading your way. And the more you take advantage of these happenings, the better you will feel. This is no time to be shy or hold back your dreams. The time is now to take advantage of every chance that comes your way.
Taurus (April 21 to May 20) We are heading into a highly emotional week because of the full moon on July 3. So it might be wise for you to leave decision-making until after this week, but before Mercury goes retrograde on July 14. Try to hold the line and your success in your next venture will be assured.
Gemini (May 21 to June 20) Life should be picking up around you. With Venus now moving in direct motion in Gemini and Jupiter also in Gemini, your life will pick up even more if you let it. The more new experiences you try now, the better your chances of big success will be. So ignore the opinions of others and make your own way toward your goal.
Cancer (June 21 to July 20) The time should have come to release yourself from some of the burdens you have taken on in the past. It is time to let go and move on. If you neglect your own needs now you will miss some great adventures. Just add some serious sparkle to your social life and that should do the trick.
Leo (July 21 to August 20) It is just days before the full moon on July 3 and since you are known for your love of drama now is a good time to be careful. Uranus in Aries will offer you every chance to make some life-changing moves. So forget the drama and think of what is best for you. Your friends are willing to pitch in and help you anytime. Just ask.
Virgo (August 21 to September 20) The excitement of Mars in Virgo since November 2011 ends on July 3 when Mars goes into Libra. So get set for a change of pace. If you have established a new lifestyle then you should feel good about yourself. You have accomplished plenty in the past year. The unexpected nonsense will cool down.
Libra (September 21 to October 20) Mars will move into Libra next week and you will feel the change of pace right away. So get ready for some excitement. Just watch for angry folks and hold your tongue when it comes to speaking your mind. Other­wise you could face some conflict that you won’t appreciate or like.
Scorpio (October 21 to November 20) This is the week before the full moon, when emotions run high, so try avoiding people who push your buttons. Otherwise you will find yourself in the middle of an argument you won’t win. A new friend could become more if you just go slowly and enjoy the relationship.
Sagittarius (November 21 to December 20) This is a good time for you to find yourself and your passion. Make sure it includes plenty of freedom. Also know that fire-sign people, which you are, love dealing with animals of all kinds. So find yourself some folks who live and love in the animal world. Then you will be happy about your life.
Capricorn (December 21 to January 20) If you feel the need to make a few changes then you are on target. Start planning but wait until after the full moon on July 3 and before July 14. You should be seeking more power in your career. If you don’t get into the power game by the 14th then wait until mid-August. Take your career needs seriously and make it happen.
Aquarius (January 21 to February 20) This is a good time to get serious about your real needs, your passion. Saturn is making good aspects to your sun and opportunity is knocking at the door. Don’t ignore the latest chance to move forward. Take your agenda and get started. Otherwise you will be sorry.
Pisces (February 21 to March 20) Be patient this week, after all it is full moon time and emotions tend to run high. You will be offered work that you will enjoy. So fit new things into your schedule and you will get your life back on track. A touchy pal could create problems if you let her. Give people time and you will remain friends.
Flo Higgins is an astrologer. Her email is