Skywatch For The Week Of May 11-18, 2012


By Flo Higgins

A traditional attitude just glows when you celebrate your birthday this week. Taurus may be out to make a ton of money, but once they make it they love to follow tradition. They want to collect and acquire possessions not so much because they need the things, but because things represent security and attitude to this fixed sign.
Taurus always links security with home and family, with the mother.
It is not often that a Taurus will change their mind about anything. They would rather sink with the ship than admit they are wrong. So this fixed personality will cling to his opinions and deny yours to the bitter end.
It can cost the Taurus a lover or BFF but they will stay with their reasoning, their ideas and their standards forever.
They are patient to a point of honor, but if they lose their temper you know you have pushed too far and too long. This sign of the zodiac does not like anger. To them, anger represents weakness and they see themselves as strong and forever determined.
People born this week: Paul Bono Hewson of U2, May 10, 1978; Holly Valance, May 11, 1983; Skateboard Superstar Tony Hawk, May 12, 1968; Robert Pattinson, May 13, 1986; Miranda Cosgrove, May 14, 1993; Emmitt Smith, May 15, 1969; Megan Fox, May 16, 1986; Dennis Hopper, May 17, 1936.
Mother’s Day will be heavenly with both Neptune and the moon in Pisces. A wonderful day for day dreaming and fancy food. The next awesome event in the skies will be the solar eclipse on Sunday, May 20. The day of the new moon in Gemini. So just watch yourself as the vibes of the moon’s glow spread to the earth’s population.
Monday or next Friday will be the best days to start in a new direction or sign a long-term contract. So. if you are able plan accordingly, life will perk up.
Aries (March 21 to April 20) Any impulsive action taken this week could land you in a heap of trouble. So slow down just a little and ponder your ideas before making a final move. By thinking before you leap you could save yourself a lot of energy and time. A new face could appear to look good, but just wait.
Taurus (April 21 to May 20) The change that has been tossed your way may force you to take some action and since Jupiter is rolling through Taurus it can only be good. An unplanned meeting could turn you in a totally new direction. Look for some help this week from a long-time friend.
Gemini (May 21 to June 20) This week could be a repeat of last week if you let your moods take over. Know that this is a time when you become bored and schedule some new projects. If you remain busy and mentally occupied, you could find yourself in an entirely new routine by the end of the week.
Cancer (June 21 to July 20) One of the greatest attributes you are blessed with is your ability to shake off your moods. So try improving your life and stop hoping someone else will do it for you. This is a calm time for you. So take advantage of the vibes and smile your way to a better job. Review your real needs and then act.
Leo (July 21 to August 20) Although it may appear you are not the top banana, don’t pay attention to nonsense. You are well on your way to super stardom in your world. You need to get your ducks in a row and then start moving forward. There are some golden partners coming your way. So stay awake and alert.
Virgo (August 21 to September 20) The skies are working toward your success and if you blink you might miss it. So join your pals and get out where things are happening. You are too smart to miss the opportunities to improve your social life. Make your mark if you must and then leave — but only if you want to.
Libra (September 21 to October 20) Your gruesome experience with Saturn is coming to a close. It is time to pick up the pieces and move on if things are not working. Don’t spend another minute with any losers, just move on. You deserve the very best. So go get it. If you have a mentor listen to him, if you don’t then go get one. Life will just mellow out if you let it.
Scorpio (October 21 to November 20) Drama could follow you around this week unless you are exceptionally patient. And of all the signs of the zodiac you know patience more than anyone. You lose your cool and it will cost you plenty. Instead move about slowly and say less. A new love could certainly turn your life around this week.
Sagittarius (November 21 to December 20) Look around and you will know you have made some smart decisions recently. The more you look for approval outside yourself the less you will understand. So go with your gut feelings now and let the feathers fly. This could be one important relationship. So play it cool and let life happen.
Capricorn (December 21 to January 20) Maintain your independent ways and you will be happier and richer than ever. It is now time to dig in your heels and stand your ground. Otherwise you can expect an unhappy few days. But if you hold on there will be one big smile on your face and relationships will improve.
Aquarius (January 21 to February 20) You should be happy with the extra time and energy you now have and life is more in your control. Nothing happens without an outstanding reason and this week your reason has to be your personal freedom. Your present uncertainty would not happen if you had thought more before you made the move.
Pisces (February 21 to March 20) As you start to focus on a new positive addiction you should find answers to your long-held questions. Try working with creative ideas and people. Then you will feel much better as a result. Just don’t move fast. Mars opposite your sun sign sometimes gets us in a tangle when we act before thinking.
Flo Higgins is an astrologer. Her email is