Skywatch for the Week of May 30 – June 6


By Flo Higgins
Gemini is the third sign of the Zodiac. It is a mutable, air sign, ruled by Mercury. This makes Gemini people intellectuals. They are curious about everything and anything in the world today.
That means they love to ask questions to satisfy their need to know. Because of their constant curiosity, they make great writers, reporters, teachers and world travelers.
Mainly because they are constantly seeking new ideas, they seldom miss a thing. That alone makes it difficult for Gemini to stay in one place doing the same thing. This is also the reason they have the reputation of having a short attention span.
Gemini has a deep love of books, movies, the Internet – almost anything that allows them to learn fast and move on to the next experience.
To keep a Gemini interested, you must have a full slate of lessons to teach. Otherwise, they will be off traveling the world.
People who have or are celebrating birthdays this week are: Wynonna Judd, May 30, 1964; Clint Eastwood, May 31, 1930; Heidi Klum, June 1,1973; Justin Long, June 2, 1978; Anderson Cooper, June 3, 1967; Russell Brand, June 4, 1975; Mark Wahlberg, June 5, 1971; and Sandra Bernhard, June 6, 1955.

Time flies when you are having fun. So have fun but also know that by the end of this week, Saturday, June 7, in the a.m., Mercury goes retrograde and stays that way until July 1. So watch yourself before you start a project or you are asking for unnecessary trouble. Also, since the full moon falls on Friday the 13th, next week will be a high emotional time for all of us.
Aries (March 21 to April 20) You may sometimes feel overwhelmed when faced with the upset others are bringing into your life. But, if you just stop and think about what you really want your future to hold, it is perfect. A new love could be just around the corner so start making a space for another BFF. Your life is changing for the better. So smile.
Taurus (April 21 to May 20) Let’s face it, what your life needs now is a new perspective on the events. Try and look at the bright side of the changes taking place. Understand it will give you more freedom to do what you want to do. You no longer have to follow someone else’s schedule. That is good news for everyone.
Gemini (May 21 to June 20) There should be no question in your mind that you are doing the absolutely right thing for you now. The road you have been following was a dead end and now you are headed for new adventures. New challenges are what you need, Look for a new BFF and be happy you are free.
Cancer (June 21 to July 20) It is time to get out of the box and be your own best friend. The drama that has been going on around you has nothing to do with you, so stop taking it personally. If you have the courage of your convictions, you will be off on a new adventure by midsummer. A new love is included in the adventure. So put a few things on hold and get moving.
Leo (July 21 to Aug. 20) Making a transformation of yourself is always difficult for fixed signs and Leo is a fixed sign. But, there is no reason you can’t accomplish exactly what you want and be happy. Removing certain people from your path is simple: just know you will be pleased with the final results of your decision. A new friendship will be the result.
Virgo (Aug. 21 to Sept. 20) Life is happening quickly around you at work and the final result will be more money. So pay attention to what you are doing and make sure you are satisfied with your own skills on the job. A new face could cause you to wander, but get back on target quick. The job should be the highlight now.
Libra (Sept. 21 to Oct. 20) Mars is direct and it should be a shot in the arm for you. After all, you are heading in a new direction in many areas of your life. So gather your wits and prepare to meet some new pals who will help you with your new ventures. Don’t look back. The best way to handle life now is just move forward with a smile.
Scorpio (Oct. 21 to Nov. 20) A surprising turn of events will cheer you and turn things around for you. Don’t let your past spoil your future aims. Just let go and move on. Establish exactly what you want to do and then do it before June 7. If you can’t, then wait until early July. Remember, haste makes waste.
Sagittarius (Nov. 21 to Dec. 20) This is the time to know when one door closes, another one opens. Letting go always promises a new adventure and you are certainly in line. Keep your eyes open as you wander the byways because there is a new BFF waiting in the spiritual wings for you. But, as you look around, remember you are also dealing with dreamy Neptune.
Capricorn (Dec. 21 to Jan. 20) Stay away from disgruntled people who may want more from you than you want to give. It is better to stay with comfortable, friendly people who can help you get where you want to go. As Mars moves toward Scorpio, life for you will calm down and money will improve. So keep moving forward but without stress.
Aquarius  (Jan. 21 to Feb. 20) As you are trying to pull your new ideas together, it would be kind to let old pals know of your new direction. Otherwise, you are going to find yourself in a trap of your own making. The best way to deal with the new you this week is to keep people guessing. In that way you will be the sure winner of any game you find yourself playing.
Pisces (Feb. 21 to March 20) Learning more about yourself should be the goal this week. So instead of getting caught up with Neptune, try the stark reality of Saturn. In that way the daydreams are gone and reality will begin. Then your life will inspire everyone you know. Let a BFF help you with letting go and it will be easy. A new love is about to turn up in your life.
Flo Higgins is an astrologer. Her email is