Skywatch For The Week of May 4-11, 2012


By Flo Higgins

Security is the main need of a Taurus. They like having a bank account, a home and are involved with family. Because of this need a Taurus is involved with mother, Either with the mother lovingly or in other ways.
But no matter how you see a Taurus there will be a hook up with mom and the family.
A Taurus living in a city needs to get out in the country once in a while and dig in a garden. This adds to their sense of security when they deal with nature.
Because Taurus is a fixed earth sign they tend to dislike change of any kind. They often live in the same place all their lives although they may travel, they like to return to their original surroundings.
They like comfort and hate getting rid of anything since the cherish their material possessions.
People born this week: Christopher Cross, May 3, 1951; Lance Bass, May 4, 1979; Adele, May 5, 1988; George Clooney, May 6, 1961; Traci Lords, May 7, 1968;  Enrique Iglasias, May 8, 1975; Billy Joel, May 9, 1960; Donovan, May 10. 1946.
Full Moon on Saturday promises high emotional time for the next couple of days. It is also a good time to finish up any projects that have been left undone.
Mars continues to move through Virgo and will be there until the full moon on July 3 when it moves into Libra. So Gemini, Pisces, Sagittarius and Virgo can expect the unexpected until the fireworks on July 4.
Aries (March 21 to April 20) Pluto, Uranus and Mercury are all making challenging aspects to your sun in Aries. Best advice this week would be to watch when you open your mouth since you are bound to say something which could cause a pal pain. Expect the unexpected and let the surprises blossom.
Taurus (April 21 to May 20) You should follow your inner voice and take advantage of the opportunities heading your way. What could appear as a negative thing this week will turn out to be a good event in the long run. So take your time and pull your life together the way you want it to be.
Gemini (May 21 to June 20) The full moon and Mars make challenging aspects to your sun could create havoc this week. Try using discipline and stay out of your own
way. The moves you have made in your business life will pay off. You have made some fast moves that should make
you happy.
Cancer (June 21 to July 20) Let go of any anger you may be holding onto now. If you can let go your life will turn around and be much more productive. Avoid letting friends bounce into your kind heart. The full moon on Saturday will be emotional but it will benefit you if you let it.
Leo (July 21 to August 20) This is the week to use self control and you will see your dreams start to glow. Avoid making any decisions until Tuesday or Wednesday. Then the stars will be in your favor and your latest projects will be a roaring success. Try letting things just happen right now instead of forcing issues.
Virgo (August 21 to September 20) Slow down right now and realize that everything does not have to be done right this minute. With Mars still in Virgo you could make some moves in haste and they will prove to be wrong within days. With this in mind get some advice and try listening at least until the end of next week.
Libra (September 21 to October 20) If you have learned anything in the past weeks it must be patience. If you establish the groundwork for your new projects now you will realize a happy outcome by mid summer. So get to work and set things right in your life. An old pal could be helpful in the new venture.
Scorpio (October 21 to November 20) Look for some new tactics both at home and in business and you will realize some outstanding success. Don’t listen to the negative folks in your life. You need to move forward by maintaining your new direction and avoiding the nonsense. Your new motto should be stay with the positive moves you have made.
Sagittarius (November 21 to December 20) If you are still trying to come to a decision concerning issues at work let it go. This is no time for problem solving. Wait until next week and things will resolve themselves. You will be the winner if you can just hold off and let life happen. After all it is full moon time.
Capricorn (December 21 to January 20) This is the week to hold off on big moves. It is a highly emotional time and decisions made now do not bring in money or power. You are known for your self-discipline and it is time to use it. A big opportunity will present itself within weeks and you just want to be ready.
Aquarius (January 21 to February 20) If you do not like the results of last week’s work then make some changes early next week. But if you reflect on what is happening in your life now and believe in destiny then you should feel really, really good about your future work. So use the patience you have been learning and wait.
Pisces (February 21 to March 20) When you are taking a stand on any issues you are in tune with your joy. The more you can control how you react to situations the better you feel. That is what the life as a Pisces is all about. Taking control when it is necessary and running with it. No more complaints.
Email astrologer Flo Higgins at