Letter: Reflecting on the 'Ridge Road Run'

Contributed by Eileen Mahoney |
These days it is easy to get caught up in the fake news and the belief that the times are changing and not for the better. My view was changed this past weekend; I now see the future is truly bright.
I ran the Ridge Road Run 5k for Suicide Prevention on Sunday morning in the cold and wind but I could not have felt warmer. The student organizers behind this remarkable event and the students from the three schools, RBR, RFH and RBC, who were handing out water, running together with their school sports teams and directing the 1,400-plus runners were impressive beyond measure! We can learn so much from the activities of that day; students who are rivals in many things on and off the field, can see beyond the small stuff and combine forces to raise awareness of something so big!
The leaders of tomorrow are in our midst and I feel honored to have the privilege to watch them grow. Way to go kids, and thank you.
Eileen Mahoney
Little Silver