Longtime Tradition Helps Welcome RBR Class of 2018


LITTLE SILVER – Take five foul shots in the gym. Who is the media center named for? How many lab stations can be found in a science classroom? What is the room number of the band room? What is the RBR mission statement?
These and about 20 more questions and requests were tasked to the more than 330 new faces that now inhabit the high school halls of Red Bank Regional High School (RBR).
The Freshman Scavenger Hunt is a long tradition at the RBR Freshman Orientation, held during the last week of August, to comfortably acquaint incoming freshmen and transfer students with their new surroundings.
The neophytes had plenty of help as RBR Student to Student Peer Leaders populated the school to assist at every turn in the two-story, somewhat serpentine high school building. They also assisted them with their most daunting task, locating and opening their lockers for the first time, and gave them a lowdown on what to really expect in high school.
Student Council President Mark Eulner from Shrewsbury addressed the students. “I believe that the next four years will be the best of your life,” he said.
He advised them to “get involved by playing a sport; joining a club or supporting your friends.”
“My last three years just flew by. Enjoy it,” he added.
“The orientation went very well,” according to freshman Patrick Murphy of Shrewsbury. “I was able to figure out where my classes were going to be as the school is very big and it is good to get the lay of the land.”
Reducing the large school into a smaller school to aid freshmen with their transition to high school was the impetus for RBR in creating the Freshman Academy eight years ago. The students are assigned to three smaller houses, where they share the same teachers and core classes for most of the day. Most importantly, their teachers have common teacher planning times to coordinate cross-curricular learning themes and keep abreast of student progress.
Research reports that a positive freshman year bodes well for future high school success.
Freshman Academy supervisor, Suzanne Keller, welcomed the freshmen who were seated in the auditorium by their three houses (gray, white and maroon). She introduced them to their teachers and guidance counselor who meet three times a week to coordinate student lessons and activities.
“This way we can best address anyone who might be struggling and aid you with additional support,” she said.
The students also were given the opportunity to pick up their books and IDs. Later, they were joined in the school theater by their parents who were treated to a rolling slide show of the day’s events and met with administration and staff to learn more about the Freshman Academy and RBR.
RBR Principal Risa Clay greeted the students and their families. She said how pleased and excited she was to welcome them to their new school. Clay advised the group that they should follow her on Twitter for the latest updates and info on RBR at @PrincipalClay.
Students, parents and staff then dined together on a barbeque dinner, another RBR tradition, to officially welcome the new members to the RBR community.