Audubon Society Plans Sandy Hook Bird Walk


SANDY HOOK– The Monmouth County Audubon Society will host a bird walk on Sandy Hook on Saturday, Dec. 6, that could feature such birds as snow buntings, northern harriers, the yellow-rumped warbler and long-tailed ducks.
The trip will be led by members of the Monmouth County Audubon Society, who are all very familiar with Sandy Hook and its birds.
“Many species of ducks, which breed in the Arctic, spend the winter in the area,” said Stuart Malmid, one of the leaders of the bird walk. “They seek protection in the coves along Sandy Hook and usually remain here most of the winter.
“In addition, hawks continue to hunt here all winter, and they’re fascinating to watch – and we don’t discount the possibility of seeing some really rare birds,” he said. “It takes some time to find one rare duck in a flock of several hundred, but the more eyes searching the flock, the better our chances.”
Anyone interested in participating in the free event can meet at 10 a.m. in the old visitor center parking lot on Sandy Hook.
The trip is open to both members and nonmembers of the Monmouth County Audubon Society.
Advance registration is not required. Participants should dress appropriately for the weather, which can be blustery and unpredictable along the coast. It is recommended that participants wear comfortable shoes and bring binoculars and field guides.
In case of questionable weather, check the organization’s website the evening before the trip for updates.
The Monmouth County Audubon Society, a chapter of the National Audubon Society, is dedicated to the enjoyment and study of nature, wildlife conservation, habitat protection, and education. Meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month September through May at the Church of the Nativity, 180 Ridge Road, Fair Haven; guest speakers address a wide variety of nature-related topics, and refreshments are provided. In addition, the group sponsors at least one field trip per month, and members receive The Osprey, the club’s bi-monthly newsletter.
Further information and directions are available by visiting the club’s website, or emailing to