An American Classic Comes to Holmdel


By Mary Ann Bourbeau
HOLMDEL – Ceci Lihn is going to have a birthday like no other. July 22 – the day she turns 9 years old – will be opening night of the Holmdel Theatre Company’s production of “To Kill a Mockingbird,” in which she takes on the lead role of Jean Louise “Scout” Finch.
Ceci has appeared in several area plays and musicals and has even auditioned for Broadway shows. This is her first starring role and despite her young age, she is ready to take on the challenge.
“I feel like acting is my passion,” she said. “It’s a lot of hard work but it makes me very happy and I love it.”
Ceci had not previously read Harper Lee’s 1960 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, so her father, Wilson Lihn, explained the story to her before she decided to audition for the role.
“I like the role because Scout is a smart young girl who loves to learn about life, and she looks up to her father, who is courageous,” said the Rumson resident. “Getting this role means a lot to me. It will be a very exciting birthday.”

Director Tom Frascatore with Ceci Lihn as Scout Finch. Will Ehren as Jem Finch, James Morgan as Atticus Finch.
Director Tom Frascatore with Ceci Lihn as Scout Finch. Will Ehren as Jem Finch, James Morgan as Atticus Finch.

Tom Frascatore, a Holmdel Theatre Company member and director of “To Kill a Mockingbird,” has high praise for Lihn’s performance.
“Ceci is such a talented young performer and a real professional,” he said. “I keep forgetting she is 8 years old.”
“To Kill a Mockingbird” tells the story of Scout, her older brother Jem and their father, Atticus Finch, a lawyer with high moral standards. Set in the 1930s in a small Alabama town during the Depression, Atticus decides to defend a black man who is accused of raping a white woman. He did so in spite of the risk it posed to the safety of himself and his family.
“I think this show is very timely because of the political circumstances going on in our country right now,” said Frascatore.
Frascatore, a longtime Middletown resident who recently relocated to Weehawken, has been involved in theater since the age of 13, when he played a member of Fagin’s gang in a school production of “Oliver.”
“Live theater is storytelling,” he said. “The audience gets to lean in and be a part of it. It’s like we’re tearing the front off of buildings and letting you watch us live.”
As it aims to do with all its shows, the nonprofit Holmdel Theatre Company chooses its cast with the goal of education and mentoring in mind. Equity actor James Morgan of New Brunswick takes on the role of Atticus Finch.
“We chose him not just to play the character, but to be a cast leader and a mentor for young actors,” Frascatore said.
About 18 actors will make up the cast of “To Kill a Mockingbird.” Many are students, including Aman Tolia of Holmdel, who plays Scout’s friend Dill. Claire Gates is taking on the role of Mayella Ewell. Gates became involved in the theater during her sophomore year at Holmdel High School and is now in college.
“She is a great example of a young artist growing with the company,” said Frascatore.
Many students also get involved backstage. For this production, 14-year-old Ryan Horan helped design the lighting and will be running the lighting board during the performances.
“That’s one of the reasons I love this company,” Frascatore said. “We are creating the next generation of theater artists.”
“To Kill a Mockingbird” runs from July 22 to Aug. 6 at The Duncan Smith Theater, 36 Crawfords Corner Road, Holmdel, adjacent to Holmdel High School. Tickets are $22 for adults, $17 for seniors and $12 for students. For more information, visit
Arts and entertainment writer Mary Ann Bourbeau can be reached at and Twitter @MaryAnnBourbeau.