Skywatch For The Week Of September 6-13, 2013


By Flo Higgins
The energy of a Virgo is usually directed at organization, detail and a unique attitude toward the work environment.
Since this earth sign is logical and likes life in order, Virgos are seldom without an agenda at home or work. They like to know exactly what to do and when to do it.
It takes a very unhappy Virgo to let their home or work become unorganized. They like nothing more than an orderly life. When a Virgo allows his life to get out of order he is usually rebelling against authority of some kind.
A Virgo is not looking for center stage; they enjoy being alone and in the background. Long-ago movie star Greta Garbo was a Virgo and at the top of her fame said, “I want to be alone.” That sums up a true Virgo. They enjoy their alone time.
People born this week: John P. Kennedy Sr., Sept. 6, 1888; Buddy Holly, Sept. 7, 1935; Pink, Sept. 8, 1979; Adam Sandler, Sept. 9, 1966; Bill O’Reilly, Sept. 10, 1949; Brian de Palma, Sept. 11, 1940; Linda Gray, Sept. 12, 1940; and Mel Torme, Sept. 13, 1925.
Here we are in a week aglow just waiting for new ventures. Certainly, if you are a Leo, Sagittarius or Aries, take advantage of the vibes of Mars in Leo and Uranus in Aries. Your hour has arrived and, if you are prepared, get started. Unprepared? Then wait until you are totally ready. The full moon is Sept. 19. It will join Neptune in Pisces. A full moon is no time for new starts. It’s good for new ideas but it is a time to think about what to do, not to do.
Aries (March 21 to April 20) Any radical ideas should be put on hold and ventures you have considered a while considered now. Otherwise you will once again be facing a crazy time in your life. That means if you need more reckless situations, then make a move now. But if you have learned from the past, then stop and think.
Taurus (April 21 to May 20) You are dealing with Mars and Saturn now and this indicates a real need to stay calm and watch out for controversy. The next item on the agenda should be mind your own business or expect some heavy ramifications. If you can stay away from the negative this could be a great time.
Gemini (May 21 to June 20) This is the perfect time to show off your ability to stay calm in the middle of chaos. It is a time to be totally proud of everything and anything you decide to do. It you see trouble, run the other way. If you stay true to yourself this will be one happy week for you.
Cancer (June 21 to July 20) Love of your status in life is on its way and you will enjoy the entire experience if you just let yourself. This is no time to ask questions that have no real answers. So stay clear of pals who make demands on you that take up too much of your valuable time. The good life is on its way. Get ready.
Leo (July 21 to Aug. 20)  If you find yourself in the middle of someone else’s chaos, look for the nearest exit and run. This is not the time to defend yourself, it is time to discover what you really want. So stop fighting other people’s battles and find your own new cause.
Virgo (August 21 to September 20) If you are skeptical concerning a possible agreement with a pal, then listen to your inner voice. This is no time to be taking chances on your future both at work and home. Although things may look good now, there is a possibility they will change and head in the wrong direction.
Libra (September 21 to October 20) As you try to adjust to the new ventures surrounding you and your pals, keep smiling. After all, everyone is trying to bring about the changes in your favor. So avoid any unnecessary upset because that will only hinder your new program. Be happy since you will end up the winner here.
Scorpio (October 21 to November 20) With Saturn in Scorpio you are on thin ice when it comes to getting your point across to others. In that case, it would be smart to slow down, get all your ducks in a row and then make your moves. You want to show great confidence in your work now and all will be well.
Sagittarius (November 21 to December 20) Taking things into your own hands may seem wise today, but in the overall plan it would be wise to slow down. Take some time to think before you make any promises or any big moves. You sometimes see things through rose-colored glasses. Take them off and really look where you are going.
Capricorn (December 21 to January 20) It takes time to accomplish what you are trying to do now. Have your plan in hand and then faithfully follow it. If you can accomplish that, you will be sure of big success in this latest venture. A new friend could help you on your way and then offer your life a new slant.
Aquarius (January 21 to February 20) You might want to spend some time alone and find out what you really want to do. You need to realize that any problems in the future will merely be the result of not spending enough time on your final goals. So sit down and map out your needs, not the needs of others.
Pisces (February 20 to March 21) The magic of Neptune, which is improved imagination, is available to you now. If you can check into the artistic part of your nature, you will have a great time. Stay away from escape games and hook into your mystical side and new ideas will just flow. Just spend some time alone and think.
Flo Higgins is an astrologer. Her email is