Skywatch For The Week Of November 9-16, 2012


By Flo Higgins
Here we have someone celebrating a Scorpio birthday with a tiny tone of the carefree Sagittarius. But in this combination, you will often see the Mars – Pluto ruled Scorpio winning the personality race.
Life is serious business to this Scorpio. They may have a sense of humor but if it places them in a not so funny situation, all bets are off; Scorpio won’t play.
Scorpio is basically reserved, hard to get to know because they don’t trust many people. They have a quiet exterior that demands respect and, because they get respect, they are great leaders.
There is no in-between with Scorpio. There is respect and discipline given and this fixed sign wants it returned. This is one reason why they make good detectives and spies. They are respected and also know how to handle the power their attitude demands.
Then there is the matter of pride in anything they undertake. This Scorpio likes perfection.
Those with birthdays this week are: Vanessa Minnello, Nov. 9, 1980; Richard Burton, Nov. 10, 1925; Demi Moore, Nov. 11, 1962; Grace Kelly, Nov. 12, 1929; Jimmy Kimmel, Nov. 13, 1967; Prince Charles, Nov. 14, 1948; Sam Waterston, Nov. 15, 1940; and Lisa Bonet, Nov. 16, 1967.
It could not have been a worst time when Super Storm Sandy hit New Jersey last week. It was just as the moon was not only void of course, but it was full. The moon was also opposite the sun. The moon stayed VOC until Wednesday afternoon and then to add to the chaos, Mercury went retrograde on Election Day, adding sill further challenge to our lives. The next heavenly experience will be the solar eclipse on Tuesday, Nov. 13, when the sun and moon are in Scorpio.
Aries (March 21 – April 26) Spending time alone may be the best thing you can do for yourself this week. Then you will be rested and ready when a new BFF walks unexpectedly into your life. Stay well-grounded and well-dressed. Like a Boy Scout: “Be Prepared.”
Taurus (April 21 – May 20) It may be time to be intimately involved with a long-time friend who could use some good news. Focusing on what it is you could do to help will be good for you and for everybody you’re able to assist. Since you are basically a giving soul, this could turn your life around and even upside down.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Your latest passion will take you places you never dreamed of, so continue to make demands on yourself. Your new ideas may strike some pals as foolish but don’t let that stop you. Listen to your own heart. After all, Jupiter in Gemini can bring extreme success.
Cancer (June 21 – July 20) You are destined for some good news. So, stay positive and avoid people who don’t take your success seriously. You need to consider moving strongly into the marketplace, either as a buyer or seller. Whatever you choose will make you money.
Leo (July 21 – Aug. 20) As you venture into new waters, get rid of any anxiety because you can’t afford the negative. With a positive attitude you can’t fail. You are a well-trained, dramatic human willing to do the work. So do it now.
Virgo (Aug. 21 – Sept. 20) Give yourself a pre-holiday present of hard work that will pay off in the near future. Keep your eye on the top prize at work which includes more responsibility and more control, two roles you love.
Libra (Sept. 21 – Oct. 20) Let go of some of your old ideas that no longer work for you. Break up old routines graciously and you will find yourself on a totally new chapter of your life. Talk things over with a trusted friend and then take the big step at the end of the month.
Scorpio (Oct. 21 – Nov. 20) Prepare yourself for added responsibility both at home and with your career. You are one of the chosen to be a leader and now is the time to take care of what needs to be done to push yourself forward. You are about to find your real bliss.
Sagittarius (Nov. 21 – Dec. 20) There has been some displacement in your value system and it is good. So continue on your journey and as you continue, know you are headed in the right direction. Let nothing and no one stand in your way.
Capricorn (Dec. 21 – Jan. 20) It would seem that every time you turn around, there is a new lesson to be learned. The structure of success is a heavy burden for the Saturn-ruled Capricorn but it is yours this week. Taking on new tasks will lead you to the top. Don’t look back. Your turn is about to arrive.
Aquarius (Jan. 21 – Feb. 20) This is a week to remember! The more you search for the answer, the better you will feel when you finally have your answer. This has been a week and will continue as you find your real love in life, both in your work and socially. So stay on the journey because you are on the perfect path.
Pisces (Feb. 21 – March 20) The magic of Neptune should be adding sparkle to your life now. So look for a king or queen of hearts to cross your path. What you do then is a matter you might start to consider now so you know what you want when the time comes.
Flo Higgins is an astrologer. Her email is