A Look Back on My Term on the Red Bank Council


By Cindy Burnham

Being on the RB Council the last three years has been an interesting experience, to say the least. I knew the first year was going to be tough, given the fact that I was the only independent/free thinking Republican to be elected to the Red Bank Council in seven years. After getting three other Republicans elected to council, I lost the election this year, but I am so grateful and thankful for the 1,081 votes I received from Red Bank residents that were satisfied with my performance, and for my family and friends that helped me stay strong and sane throughout this independent campaign.
I have worked very hard over the last three years to keep my campaign promise to stop the irresponsible spending and borrowing and my voting record proves that. Many times I was the only ‘no’ vote. I am proud of the accomplishments that I have achieved in my three years on council. They include getting up the blue illuminated parking signs in six months, at no cost to the town or taxpay- er, thanks to the restaurants paying for them; creating a raised bed garden for the seniors at the Senior Center (at no cost to the town or taxpayer); and great success working with Clean Ocean Action and the DEP to identify sources of pollution that were getting into our Navesink River. While the rest of the council voted for new water meters ($2 million) and pay stations ($396,000) down the west end of Monmouth Street, I voted no. No to millionaire developers that want a $68,000 waiver on tax credits, no to concrete sprinkler parks in the wetlands – and I could go on and on. Bottom line here is this: I voted for what was right for the town and taxpayers. I didn’t have to suck up to a party, special interests, or do favors for developers. I can sleep at night knowing that I did the right thing.
I hope that the new administration will listen to the needs of the people and work to keep lower property taxes the number one priority, along with water/sewer costs and fees, and stop the wasteful spending and borrowing. Red Bank does not have a revenue generating problem. Red Bank has a spending problem.
I need to know what is going on in my town and I will continue to be a vocal citizen, as I have been for the last 35 years. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns that you may have. It has been an honor serving you all.