Skywatch For the Week Of December 6-13, 2013


By Flo Higgins
Give the fire sign Sagit­tarius the time and energy and he would be happy just exploring the world.
This Jupiter-ruled sign is in love with advancing his education and discovering just what makes the world tick.
Sagittarius is a seeker of knowledge on any subject in the world. So having the freedom to move around, to seek answers and to communicate the information is on the mind of this fire sign.
Then, once the Sagittarius has gathered some knowledge, they will have a strong desire to teach. This puts them into the education chain – going from student to teacher – puts the Sagittarian in her glory. They do not stop learning and teaching as long as they have a breath. So naturally the real bliss of Sagittarius is obtaining and transferring knowledge.
People born this week: Larry Bird, Dec. 7, 1956; Nicki Minaj, Dec. 8, 1982; Dame Judi Dench, Dec. 9, 1934; Bobby Flay, Dec. 10, 1964; Jermaine Jackson, Dec. 11, 1954; Frank Sinatra, Dec. 12, 1915; and Taylor Swift, Dec. 13, 1989.
The next full moon will be Tuesday, Dec. 17, when the moon is in Gemini. Remind yourself and friends that five or six days before the moon is full emotions ride high. So starting on Wednesday, Dec. 11, be gentle and watch what you have to say when you open your mouth.
Best day for shopping this week is Tuesday, Dec. 10, when the moon is in Aries. Of course, Mars will be in Libra starting this week and it stays in Libra until mid-July.
Mars in Libra will impact Libra, Capricorn, Aries and Cancer by forcing some action into their lives. So prepare.
Aries (March 21 to April 20) There is no way you will avoid a variety of excitement now through next July. Mars is now in Libra, opposite Aries, and so you will feel the energy. Whenever there is energy, there is action and it will be in your life. So think calm, cool thoughts and steer clear of arguments. You won’t have to look for fun and games now. They will find you and it will be fun.
Taurus (April 21 to May 20) You should be looking for stability in your relationships now above all else. Try some old-fashioned kind of romance. This will include loyalty, honor and plenty of love. This is no time to be fooling around and seeking new people. Try to settle anything that bothers you and then if you must, move on.
Gemini (May 21 to June 20) If you have decided to talk the talk, then this is the time to also walk the walk. In other words, avoid saying anything you don’t intend to carry through. Otherwise, you will end up with the wrong part in your future relationship – and you, above all, do not want that to happen. It is time to try a serious role. That will be far better for you in the long run.
Cancer (June 21 to July 20) Following tradition is the best way for any moon child to go. Since you are looking for some minor changes make sure you include family on your agenda. Mars will have a long stay square your sun, so you are headed for some real down-to-earth excitement. Beware the upcoming action could include a new romance.
Leo (July 21 to Aug. 20) Your patience may be tested this week, but under no circumstances should you give up. Try forcing yourself to get out on the party scene more often and meet new people who can help you find your way. It is time to turn over a new leaf and seek a new stage to play on.
Virgo (Aug. 21 to Sept. 20) Things can become intense this week but don’t let it fool you because you will still win the game. The work environment will improve as your attitude improves. Since Mars is moving out of Virgo, life will certainly look and feel better for you. Prepare for a full holiday agenda.
Libra (Sept. 21 to Oct. 20) Your life is turning upside down whether you like it or not. That is good news since your social life will be involved and become busy enough so you may need a social secretary. It is a sure bet you will accomplish more than you expect, plus a new face could turn your head. Be prepared for the unexpected.
Scorpio (Oct. 21 to Nov. 20) This is a week when it would be wise to pay some attention to your intuition. When you feel something is wrong, listen. You could certainly be right. Once you listen to your inner voice, you won’t have to worry any longer because you will be on the lookout and no one can fool you.
Sagittarius (Nov. 21 to Dec. 20) Because of the intense change you made in your attitude toward your life this year, you will soon reap the rewards. New people entering your life now are there for a reason. All you need to do is understand the big reason. Then work on your new needs and how to gather them into your lifestyle.
Capricorn (Dec. 21 to Jan. 20) You may not realize how much has changed in the past six months. But you can expect even more interest from the opposite sex in the next few months. By not running any longer, you are now in line to learn some big lessons. So get ready to start a challenging journey into a new era of your life soon.
Aquarius (Jan. 21 to Feb. 20) You may be facing some anxiety because of your fear of change, but don’t look back, just keep moving forward. A new opposite sex buddy could become a real pal in the near future if you play your cards right. There is no need to regret your new direction. It will be perfect for you soon.
Pisces (Feb. 21 to March 20) Although there might be some confusion in your life, you do have good energy coming from both Jupiter and Saturn. Take advantage of the good heading your way by promoting yourself and your creative works. Also, check new people coming into your life carefully before you allow them into your inner circle. Then you will feel more relaxed.
Flo Higgins is an astrologer. Her email is