10/24 – MIddletown Town Hall on Economic Development to be Held Monday


10/24 – MIddletown Town Hall on Economic Development to be Held Monday
MIDDLETOWN — A town hall meeting on economic development will be held 7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 28, at the Middletown Arts Center.
Real estate brokers, business and community associations, business owners and interested residents encouraged to attend.
The meeting, hosted by the Middletown Economic Development Committee, will include an overview of recent commercial  projects such as including Sloan Kettering and Ice World, as well an interactive session between the committee and real estate brokers, business associations, business owners and residents.
The goal of the session is to get the public’s feedback on commercial trends, ways to spur economic development and ideas on how to attract and retain businesses that would fit well in Middletown.
The Middletown Economic Development Committee, a volunteer advisory body established by the Township Committee, focuses on fostering new economic growth and the retention of existing businesses and industries. The committee’s goal is to facilitate the creation of a desirable business climate that promotes economic growth, job development and the expansion of the commercial tax base.
The Middletown Arts Center is located at 36 Church St.. Free parking is available at the train station.