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Tag: Atlantic Highlands

Zoe’s Emilio’s Kitchen

With so many Mexican restaurants in the Two River area from which to choose, we were drawn to Zoe’s Emilio’s Kitchen in Atlantic Highlands because they state they serve “Authentic Organic Mexican Cuisine,” which is an interesting take on this type of food.

Major Grant Will Help Electrify Seastreak Ferry

HIGHLANDS – Seastreak, LLC will be driving cleaner transit in the future. After receiving a $54.9 million grant from the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Ports Program, Seastreak will be able to provide zero-emission highspeed electric ferries to and from the Jersey Shore.

Documents Show Alleged Financial Wrongdoing in Atlantic Highlands Unfounded

ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS – Borough documents confirm there were no discrepancies in borough funding and salaries as previously alleged in the lead-up to the 2024 election.

Ms. Race Celebrates 20 Years on Course

ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS – The 20th annual Ms. Race for women captains and crews was held Aug. 17 under windy conditions.

Warmer Two River Waters Offer Up Great Catches

ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS – Despite the remnants of Hurricane Debby wreaking havoc on local waters last week, this summer in the Two River area has seen some fishing success.

Proposed Apartments and Charging Stations in Atlantic Highlands

To paraphrase the Roman philosopher Seneca, “Luck is where opportunity meets preparation,” a maxim on display at the most recent Atlantic Highlands Planning Board meeting Aug. 1. During the last 30 minutes of the meeting, representatives from Carton Brewing presented an informal proposal suggesting a partial repurposing of the company’s brewery building at 120 First Ave.

Oceans of Time: The AJ Meerwald on Sandy Hook Bay

The Oyster Schooner AJ Meerwald sailed into Atlantic Highlands Municipal Harbor July 17 and, for five days, welcomed visitors on public sailing expeditions. The event was sponsored by the Atlantic Highlands Yacht Club.

Atlantic Highlands Proposes Tax Increase for Open Space Fund

In 1999, the voters of Atlantic Highlands approved a special dedicated municipal tax of $0.01 per $100 of assessed real estate value to fund an open space program. The borough uses that money to purchase and maintain properties as open space and for recreational functions.

Summer is Here and so are the Fairs

They sneak into town under cover of darkness and, as if by magic, when you awake, it is there. Where once stood only a vacant lot or open space park, there is now a midway with games of chance, food vendors and a stage, surrounded by rides for the young and young at heart.

Highlands Council President Accuses Tri-District of Keeping Public in the Dark

HIGHLANDS – A Highlands official has sued the Atlantic Highlands, Highlands and Henry Hudson Regional school boards, alleging they violated the Open Public Meetings Act, preventing the public from having a say about an important regionalization-related decision.
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