5/14 – Voters Elect Incumbent Kane, Newcomer Francy to Highlands Council


By John Burton
HIGHLANDS – Borough voters going to the polls on Tuesday elected two members to the borough council in the borough’s first non-partisan election.
Voters approved a referendum in November that changed the election to a non-partisan vote.
Voters re-elected Councilwoman Rebecca Kane, the current council president, with 230 votes, according to Monmouth County unofficial totals Wednesday morning.
Voters, however, turned out fellow incumbent Christopher Francy, who garnered 142 votes, 12.09 percent of the total votes cast.
Winning the second seat was challenger Douglas Card, the highest vote getter among the six candidates. He garnered 276 votes for 23.49 percent.
The other candidates, who were unsuccessful in their run for the three-year term to the four-member borough council, were: former borough councilman John Urbanski, who received 187 votes; former mayor Richard O’Neill with 172 votes; and Lawrence Colby with 164 votes.
A total of 1,175 were cast Tuesday.
The unofficial totals do not include any mail-in or provisional ballots.