7/1 – Public Reminded Possession of Fireworks Without a Permit is a Crime


7/1 – Public Reminded Possession of Fireworks Without a Permit is a Crime
By John Burton
NEWARK – As the Independence Day holiday approaches, state officials are stressing that the use and possession of fireworks without a valid permit is a crime.
According to the state Office of the Attorney General, anyone who sells, offers to sell or possesses with intent to sell any fireworks can be charged with a fourth-degree crime. As for anyone who purchases, uses, discharges or possesses any – without the proper permit –can be charged with a disorderly persons offense.
Approximately 60 percent of all fireworks injuries occur within 30 days surrounding the July 4 holiday, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. More than half of those injuries involved burns to hands, head and face. More than 5,000 consumers from June22-July 22, 2012 were treated in hospital emergency departments for firework-related injures, according to the commission.
Municipalities issue permits for public displays and must “name one person who shall be authorized to purchase or otherwise order, and receive delivery of any fireworks,” according to state statute.