9/18 – New Traffic Pattern on Route 33 at Wyckoff Road


WALL – Beginning today, motorists traveling to Shafto Road from eastbound Route 33 will be able to make a left turn directly onto Shafto Road and no longer take the jug handle on Wyckoff Road.
“By activating this left turn lane and creating a new traffic pattern, motorists should be aware of the new flow of traffic in the area,” said Freeholder Thomas A. Arnone, liaison to the Monmouth County Department of Public Works and Engineering. “The travelling public has faced major delays in this area, especially anyone who needs to use the Wyckoff Road jug handle to access Shafto Road.”
The existing jug handle from Route 33 to Wyckoff Road will be deactivated and removed as part of the project to significantly improve traffic flow in the area.
The completion of this phase with new traffic patterns, including designated left turn lanes from all directions, is expected to be activated at the intersection by the end of October, weather permitting.
The project is expected to be substantially complete by the end of the 2014.
“Motorists are asked to use caution in the area as we move into the final and long-awaited final phases of construction,” Arnone said.