Monmouth U. Professor Publishes Book on Role of Reformed Church Choirs


WEST LONG BRANCH — Monmouth University has announced that music and theater arts professor David Tripold’s book Sing to the Lord a New Song: Choirs in the Worship and Culture of the Dutch Reformed Church in America, 1785-1860 was published by Eerdmans of Grand Rapids, Mich.
The book investigates the development and role of choirs in the Reformed Church in America, assessing their influence on the religious culture of the era studied, and examining their musical repertoire.
Tripold is a nationally recognized choral conductor, voice teacher, organist and liturgical scholar who chairs Monmouth University’s Music and Theatre Arts Department, oversees departmental advising, and directs the university chamber and concert choirs.
For more than 30 years he has been engaged as a church organist and choir director and has performed as a baritone soloist and organist in the United States and in Europe. His scholarship focuses on American church music, especially church choirs and their repertoire.
Tripold resides in Colts Neck with his wife Maggie and their two children.
The book is available for purchase through Eerdmans and the Monmouth University Bookstore.