7/9 – New Bike Racks Installed in Red Bank to Encourage Biking into Town


RED BANK – The borough recently installed new bike racks at two of Red Bank’s parks as part of its Shaping Red Bank program.
Councilman Michael DuPont, who serves as liaison to the Mayor’s Wellness Campaign, as said he hopes the bike racks will encourage more people to bike to town and enjoy all that Red Bank has to offer. He commended the borough’s health officer, Sandra VanSant, on her efforts to obtain the grant from the state Department of Health that funded the purchase.
VanSant  said that the funds came from the Center for Disease Control Childhood Obesity Prevention Fund.
The first two racks, which hold four to six bikes, were recently installed at Marine Park and Count Basie Park. Additional smaller racks will be installed in other locations throughout the borough.
For additional information, please call 732-530-2748.