8/5 – National Night Out to be Celebrated Tomorrow in Red Bank


By John Burton
RED BANK – Borough police will again participate in the annual National Night Out Against Crime program Tuesday evening, offering refreshments as well as demonstrations and information on what the public can do to prevent crime.
The program is scheduled to start at 6 p.m. at police headquarters, 90 Monmouth St., and will have a number of community organizations participating along with police, the borough first aid squad and volunteer fire department. Among the groups that will be on hand are the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office, the Community YMCA, 180 Turning Lives Around and the Red Bank Family Resource Center.
Scheduled are demonstrations by the emergency services, tours of the police facility and child ID fingerprinting.
Red Bank Police Benevolent Association Local 39, Super Foodtown of Red Bank and Manhattan Bagel will be supplying food and refreshments for a barbeque during the event.
The Night Out Against Crime began in 1984 as an effort to promote community involvement in crime and drug abuse prevention and police-partnering programs. More than 15,000 communities in the U.S., Canada and on U.S. Military installations now participate in the events, held on the first Tuesday in August.