Community Singers to Hold Atlantic Highlands Harbor Concert


ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS – The Highlands Community Singers will wrap up its summer season of performances at 7 p.m., Sunday, Aug. 25 at the gazebo in the municipal yacht harbor. The 19-year-old chorus is directed by Louise Donoghue and accompanied by Jordan Wason, both of Atlantic Highlands. Featured singers during the free concert will be baritone Rick Makin of Lincroft and soprano Tomi Jain of Highlands. A duet by Peter and Louise Donoghue is also scheduled. Among the highlights will be the group’s clam medley, including its signature songs “Happy as a Clam,” along with “Acres of Clams” and “Real Nice Clambake.” Also featured will be “No Sad Songs,” written along with “Happy as a Clam” by the group’s late founder, Art Freilinghaus.
The chorus primarily sings old-time sing-along favorites and patriotic numbers at senior citizens residences and senior day-care centers during both the summer and Christmas seasons, although it recently performed at the annual Highlands Clam Fest. The performance on Aug. 25 is sponsored by the borough’s Recreation Committee and the Harbor Commission.