5/26 – Monmouth County 2014 Accessible Beach Guide is Online


FREEHOLD  – Just in time for the 2014 summer beach season, the Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders has published the annual Monmouth County Accessible Beach Guide.
Municipal telephone numbers and websites are included in the guide to help beachgoers contact towns or beaches directly for specific information.
Thos who want a copy may download the Monmouth County Accessible Beach Guide from the tourism section of the Monmouth County website at www.visitmonmouth.com.
The guide is updated annually by the staff of the county office on disabilities that is part of the county department of human services. The staff also serves as a year-round source for information, referral and advocacy for people with disabilities and their families and serves as liaison to state and non-profit agencies that provide assistance to residents who need services.
For questions about the publication, contact the Monmouth County Office on Disabilities, at 732-308-3770, ext. 3599, or visit the Office on Aging, Disabilities and Veterans Services webpage at www.visitmonmouth.com.