Rumson Garden Club Presents Scholarship


RUMSON ­– The Rumson Garden Club (RGC) has awarded its annual scholarship in memory of Rita Morgan Boyle to Ethan Sackett.
Sackett, a Rumson resident and 2014 graduate of High Technology High School in Lincroft, plans to pursue environmental engineering studies at Stevens Institute of Technology. He was awarded with a $2,500 scholarship, which reflects the RGC’s continuing commitment to conservation and ecology.
Sackett, who is an Eagle Scout, chose to help the New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium, a nonprofit, marine science educational organization, for his Eagle Scout project. With donations from local merchants and a group of 40 fellow Scouts, he rebuilt the perimeter native plants gardens around Fort Hancock on Sandy Hook with mulch and a border that prevented erosion from the elements. In addition, Sackett designed and installed a rain barrel irrigation system using a building’s downspout to recycle rainwater and thus keep the garden well watered.