Deadline to Get Help with Winter Heating Bills June 30


WALL – New Jersey Natural Gas (NJNG) reminds customers the application deadline is Monday, June 30, for those seeking emergency energy assistance under the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).
Eligible customers can apply for LIHEAP assistance and emergency LIHEAP energy benefits to help pay their energy bills.
LIHEAP is a federally funded program administered through the state Department of Consumer Affairs, which helps pay heating costs and, in some circumstances, medically necessary cooling expenses. The initial application period for the program was set to expire April 30 but the federal government released contingency funding due to an extremely cold winter and higher energy bills.
“Unfortunately, customers are still feeling the financial burden placed on them due to the higher energy bills from this past winter’s arctic temperatures. The extension is a welcome relief for customers who require help paying their energy bills,” said Kathleen Kerr, vice president of customer services.
The program is implemented through a state-designated agency and applications are evaluated based on household size and income. To download an application, and get a list of eligibility requirements or the nearest application sites near you, visit and go to the Trouble Paying Your Bills quicklink.
LIHEAP applicants are automatically screened for the state-sponsored Universal Service Fund (USF), designed to help make energy bills more affordable for income-eligible households, providing credits on monthly natural gas and/or electricity bills.
Those who are experiencing unanticipated financial hardship, and do not qualify for limited-income energy assistance programs, other help is available. To find out which other energy assistance programs are available,  contact the company’s energy assistance professionals at or 800-221-0051.
As a next step, NJNG customers can even out the seasonal highs and lows of their natural gas bills by spreading the estimated annual costs evenly over 12 months with NJNG’s Budget Plan. To sign up, log in to My Account at