New Aerator Installed for a Healthier Mohawk Pond


By John Burton
RED BANK – A new geyser aerator has been installed at Mohawk Pond at Count Basie Parkon Mohawk Lane.
More than a decorative fountain, the geyser provides additional oxygen to the freshwater pond, creating a healthy environment for the pond’s fish, according to Gary Watson, the director of the borough Department of Public Utilities (DPU).
A former aging geyser hadn’t been operational for about four years and efforts to get it working were not effective, Watson said.
Officials weren’t able to expend the $7,000 needed to replace it because of budgetary constraints, Councilman Edward Zipprich said.
Funding for the replacement came from a Monmouth County Improvement Authority capital improvement program.
The DPU has installed lighting for the pond, which shines from dusk to 11 p.m., to complement the geyers, Watson said.
The state Division of Fish and Wildlife stocks the pond with trout and the location is popular with local fishermen and others who use the tables and benches in the area, Watson said.