Park System to Hold Harvest Home Fest at Longstreet Farm


HOLMDEL ­– It’s all fun and games during the Monmouth County Park System’s Harvest Home Festival, which will be held from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 28, at Historic Longstreet Farm.
The old-fashioned country fair will bring visitors back to the 1890s through games, music and entertainment.
Activities will include pie-eating contests, corn-husking competitions and wagon rides. Visitors will have the chance to guess the weight of the biggest pumpkin and see ongoing cider making, blacksmithing, beekeeping and woodworking demonstrations.
Crafters also will be demonstrating the arts of rug hooking, lacemaking, weaving and more.
The entertainment will include music from the Jugtown Mountain Band, Music Man Rich Marzec and banjo player Lew Gelfond.
Festivalgoers will be able to catch “Let’s Talk Baseball” with Bradley Shaw at 12:30 p.m. and performances by the Chorus of the Atlantic at 1 and 2:15 p.m. Once again Phydeauz Flea Circus and Wahoo Medicine Show will be part of the festivities.
Visitors also are invited to join in the spirit of the festival by entering one of the many competitions, including vegetables, canning, baked goods and needlework contests.
Additional information about this and other park system activities is available by visiting or calling the park system at 732-842-4000, ext. 4312. People with hearing impairment may call 711, the TTY/TDD number is 711.