Middletown Declares State of Local Disaster Emergency


MIDDLETOWN – Mayor Tony Perry declared a state of local disaster emergency in Middletown Monday night in response to the evolving outbreak of COVID-19, or novel coronavirus.

The emergency declaration authorizes the issuance and enforcement of any orders that may be necessary for emergency management operations and to protect public health, resources and safety in Middletown, according to the declaration. 

“The health and safety of this community is our top priority,” said Perry. “It is crucial that we find ways to encourage fellow citizens to practice social distancing to help contain the spread of this disease. We are implementing these measures because it is imperative that our residents understand the gravity of the situation.”

As described in Emergency Declaration No. 2020-01, all bars and restaurants with or without liquor licenses in the township are prohibited from serving patrons on their premises until further notice. They can, however, offer take-out or delivery services only. Bars that do not serve food are now closed. This applies to private clubs and fraternal organizations that serve food and alcohol as well.

All public theaters, gyms, indoor sports facilities and health clubs are now closed as well. Any “non-essential” businesses may be open from 5 a.m. to 8 p.m. only. There may be no more than 50 people in those businesses at a time as they must practice social distancing as recommended by the CDC. All public or private gatherings of more than 50 people at any one location are prohibited.

However, supermarkets, stores that sell food and personal products, pharmacies, medical facilities and gas stations – including ancillary food markets – are considered “essential” businesses that do not have to adhere to the time or occupancy restrictions, according to the declaration. But they are advised to practice social distancing. All supermarkets and related stores with over three checkout lines must also have at least one checkout line solely for shoppers over the age of 65. Residents Organize To Offer Ideas on Affordable Housing

A mandatory curfew is now in effect from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. for anyone under the age of 18 not accompanied by an adult at least 21 years old, unless it is an emergency or travel is required for employment. All township buildings and facilities, aside from outdoor public parks, are now closed to the public aside from in emergency circumstances. And all “non-essential” township meetings are canceled until further notice.

Any violators will be subject to a $1,000 fine, six months in jail or both, according to the declaration.

“Please be vigilant about helping flatten the Coronavirus curve by continually washing your hands with soap and water, covering coughs and sneezes, using hand sanitizer, staying home when sick and following guidelines provided by the CDC and New Jersey Department of Health,” said Perry.If you liked this story, you’ll love our newspaper. Click here to subscribe