New Year, New You: Three Ways to Improve Your Groove in 2014


By Donnalyn Giegerich

Donnalyn Giegerich
Donnalyn Giegerich

Here are some timely tips to keep you powered up for purposeful action in the new year.
Researchers at the Loma Linda University in California recently noted that looking forward to an event boosts immunity. Maxed out on obligatory holiday happenings? Well, now it’s your time in 2014 to reframe your focus on enlarging events.
So what’s your creative calendar look like this year? Looking to learn something new, experience something different or try a different travel theme? Studies reveal that biological changes like lowering levels of stress hormones cortisol and epinephrine (adrenaline) accompany the joy of event anticipation. So if you’re susceptible to seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or the “winter blues” like I am, consider making an active effort to plan something purposeful to keep you focused on fun.
We recently attended an international premier medical/research conference to advocate for and educate others but that didn’t stop us from planning fun with our friends while visiting New Orleans. By day we dished academic and by night we embraced Bourbon Street after power yoga at Reyn Studios to embrace the notion of integrated wellness.
Bottom line, we make it our mission to plan for fun amidst hard work to keep our immunity humming and our memories coming in full color. But please note, you don’t have to leave fabulous Red Bank to craft great events! Simply boost your mood by looking forward to plans with friends in this cool little town or find interesting ways to make new friends in a new forum. Your detrimental stress hormones will decrease as you dial up delightful plans wherever you land.
Consider joining us in Red Bank Feb. 8 at the Red Bank Women’s Club for the beginning of our next Power Panelist event series. Learn what’s possible in business and life from our diverse group of life leaders that rarely take no for an answer in the arena of enlarging experiences. Not coincidentally, our first 2014 themed event is entitled “New Year, New You.” One of our fabulous panelist presenters went back to law school at 50 to exceed the expectations of her clients and family. So, what are you leaning toward learning new this year?
Here are some stretch assignment possibilities to consider. The world of technology has gifted us with a plethora of learning options. Check out the website Duolingo to learn a second language, get your healthy on at Nerd Fitness or grab some video learning at Information is Beautiful. If you prefer in-person learning to virtual worlds, feel free to join us for our yoga class at The Atlantic Club on Saturday mornings or come join our macroeconomic instruction at Brookdale Community College to keep your worldview expanding in the land of commerce and connection.
As we craft our new year, new you goals in the spirit of adventure and lifelong curiosity, let’s not forget the paramount importance of effective stress management. One of the greatest tools that has enlarged the lives of wellness seekers has been the simple gift of stillness. So, if you’ve ever spent time in the professional or personal wilderness trying to figure out how to restore and endure, give silence a whirl. Some find this exercise through meditation, prayer, gardening, dog walking or simply being truly present in their daily lives with others.
The end game in clarity is that we are finally able to work, communicate and share our giftedness in the world in the spirit of greater awareness which is what our wellness community knows as yoga in action. So if you’re dealing with long-lasting life-shifting stressors in the new year or need a refresher on how to deal with the invariable insanity of life sometimes, think about bolstering your immune system with a 10-minute mindful meditation to refocus your day, week, month or new year. It will yield mind, body, spirit and relationship dividends like no other, no charge. And if you’d like more integrated leadership learning on point, pick up a copy of book, “Yoga as Medicine” by Dr. Tim McCall or join us for Yoga On the Lake this spring. It will give you something to look forward to!
DonnaLyn Giegerich MBA CIC RYT is an integrated national business/wellness speaker, business consultant and resilience coach that empower leaders, corporate teams and conference attendees with the intersection of her business, wellness and life experience expertise. Ongoing global advocacy and upcoming events, workshops and speaking engagements are viewable at She is the president of DLG Consulting, co-owner of Heritage Benefits Group and producer partner at Couch Braunsdorf Insurance, all in Red Bank. She is on staff at Brookdale as an economics professor and business consultant for the Small Business Development Center for entrepreneurs. She teaches yoga and travels widely sharing yoga in her spare time.