Oh, Deer! Rumson Commission to Hold Program on Detering Deer


RUMSON ­ – Deer – emblems of good fortune to the Chinese, messengers to the Gods to the Japanese and gentle creatures of the forest to Disney – are the scourge of Monmouth County gardens.
Those plagued by issues related to deer may learn strategies to deter deer from destroying trees and plants in a program at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 30, jointly hosted by the Rumson Shade Tree Commission and the Rumson Garden Club. Chris Markham, owner of NJ Deer Control, will talk at Bingham Hall, 40 Bingham Ave., about “Deer in the Suburban Environment: and Their Impact on People and the Environment.”
Markham, a wildlife scientist with a degree in resource management from Rutgers, will discuss deer overpopulation, deer habits and the damage they cause. He will discuss plants deer hate as well as plants deer love and offer strategies to control deer damage.
Stephen Barrett, a licensed landscaped architect, and Diane Guidone, a classically trained landscape designer, will join Markham during the Q & A.