Protect the Pinelands From Pipeline Development

I am writing to express my enormous disappointment in state Sen. Joe Kyrillos’ “Yes” vote on the nomination of Robert Barr to the Pinelands Commission.
Mr. Barr was nominated after the Pinelands Commission narrowly refused to approve construction of a pipeline through protected forests of one of our state’s, indeed our nation’s, great treasures, the New Jersey Pinelands.
He will replace a long-ser ving Commissioner, Rober t Jackson, who voted against the pipeline. And he is very close to politicians who aggressively support the pipeline.
There is not doubt that he was chosen to “stack” the Commission for a redo of the pipeline decision.
As most New Jersey citizens know, this 1.1 million acre region of forest, fields, wetlands, and towns was designated by the Pinelands Protection Act of 1979 and is a model of planning, conservation, and growth management for the whole country.
Former Gov. Brendan Byrne stated in connection with that act, “My proudest accomplishment in public life is the passage of the Pinelands Protection Act and saving the Pine Barrens against all odds.”
Construction of the pipeline is clearly an infraction of the integrity of the Pinelands and a violation of the intention of that Act.
The vote on the nomination was extremely close – in fact, it only passed by the bare majority required and only after one Senator changed his vote on a second vote in the Senate Chamber.
Many senators, including several Republicans, showed the courage to oppose the Governor’s appointment. Among those were Senators Beck, Kean, Allen, Bateman, and Holzapfel who are to be congratulated on their stand.
That Sen. Kyrillos was not one of them is a rude awakening to those of his constituents who had hoped for better things from him.