Skywatch For The Week Of March 1-8, 2013


By Flo Higgins
Pisces is a mutable, water sign making anyone born this week dreamy, poetic, psychic and changeable.
This water sign is somehow connected to the heavens. Those under this sign often know or feel things before they happen. They are gentle, loving people who are willing and ready to help.
They are shy and often can be found in the background, seldom the center of attention.
There are rare exceptions, such as Elizabeth Taylor, who was a Pisces and loved stage center, or Ted Kennedy, who was also this water sign. But Kennedy was forced into the limelight by his father and brothers. He would have been happy behind the scenes.
Neptune, the ruler of Pisces is now transiting Pisces, adding to the dreamy nature of this sign. Creative imagination is part of living the life of a Pisces. They dream the biggest dreams and can certainly draw on their sensitive and dreamy nature to create wild and crazy wonderlands.
People born this week: Justin Bieber, March 1, 1994; Jon Bon Jovi, March 2, 1962; Jessica Biel, March 3, 1982; Chaz Bono, March 4 1969; Eva Mendes, March 5, 1974; Tom Arnold, March 6, 1959; Willard Scott, March 7, 1934; and Lynn Redgrave, March 8, 1943.
Best day this week is March 1 and the second best day would be March 6. So, if you have things that must be completed, now is the time to do the job. Days will be getting longer since we push the clocks ahead on Sunday, March 10. Pisces should expect some action since Neptune, Mars, Venus and Mercury are all in Pisces.
Aries (March 21 to April 20) Life will start moving along shortly since Mars is about to move into Aries on March 12. You have someone you want to put in their place, just wait and you will get them soon. The drama around you will only increase so be prepared for some activity.
Taurus (April 21 to May 20) This is no time to start any new work, so step back and enjoy yourself while you can because you will be up to your neck in work by the end of the month. Now just push off the big start and let Saturn do its work. Your turn is coming for the big success push.
Gemini (May 21 to June 20) While Mars remains in Pisces until March 12 you can expect some surprises that could upset your personal plans. But, if you just keep moving along and ignore any upset, you will end up the winner. An old pal could be part of the problem, but it has happened before and you can learn some good lessons.
Cancer (June 21 to July 20) If you are feeling any frustration over promises made but broken, it might be wise to forget it. You can’t fix what you didn’t break. Be wise and stop trying to fix other people’s problems. It is impossible and makes you unhappy. With that in mind move on to bigger and better things.
Leo (July 21 to Aug. 20) Now you might have needs that are directly opposite your good pal’s needs. In that case try to give in and change what it is you want. In that way you will win more than you can ever guess as far as the relationship is concerned. The theme is give a little and get a lot.
Virgo (Aug. 21 to Sept. 20) If you are in tune with the universe, you will be making a big change in direction this week. It will show at home and work. You are undergoing a transformation of your life style. Finances will start to improve and life will look and feel better.
Libra (Sept. 21 to Oct. 20) Try ignoring the opinions of others this week. If you are able to accomplish that, you will see a big improvement in your world. A new friend could help you with this life lesson. Once it is accomplished, there will be no stopping your spiritual and financial success.
Scorpio (Oct. 21 to Nov. 20) The new work you have taken on will start to show an amazing profit shortly. So don’t give up, just keep working on your plan and let your old friends do the same. You are dealing with Saturn and it calls for more responsibility in every area of your life. Finish what you started and cheer.
Sagittarius (Nov. 21 to Dec. 20) The emphasis should remain on your ultimate goals, not the quick fix. So stay with your plan and ignore anyone who does not agree. You need to feel in charge and right now you are. So keep it that way by keeping control. You have known what you want to do for some time. Stay with it.
Capricorn (Dec. 21 to Jan. 20) The lesson you are now learning is how to deal with your ultimate power. It is what you have always wanted and now you must deal with staying on top without hurting yourself or anyone else. Learning to deal with power is a full-time job so keep working at it. It is your destiny.
Aquarius (Jan. 21 to Feb. 20) Sometimes you take on more than you need to in an attempt to please everyone. It is time to learn to slow down and know you can’t please everyone, no matter what you do. Try pleasing yourself. That is a full-time job that you can accomplish once you put your mind to it.
Pisces (Feb. 21 to March 20) Expect to be more sensitive than ever while dealing with Neptune. Know that you could find a new friend who could easily be a soul mate. Let yourself develop a new awareness of the good vibes around you. Once you do that you will have a constant smile. It is time to count your blessings.
Flo Higgins is an astrologer. Her email is