Skywatch For The Week Of May 31-June 7, 2013


By Flo Higgins
There is no sign in the zodiac that has more fun, talks more, writes more and loves more than a Gemini.
They see the world through rose-colored glasses as they flit from one subject to another, one life experience to another.
Don’t try to pin them down or fence them in. It just won’t work, or not for long. They will find ways and means to cut through any fence constructed to keep them in line. So, wise people don’t bother trying to stop Geminis from doing what they want to do.
The communication world is home to anyone born this week. They like to know all and then tell all. If you have a secret, the last person in the world you want to tell would be a Gemini. As much as they try, they just can’t keep information to themselves.
That may be the reason they are often found in the world of news reporting. A Gemini was made to tell all and that is what they do best.
People born this week: Colin Farrell, May 31, 1976; Morgan Freeman, June 1, 1937; Kyle Petty, June 2, 1960; Josephine Baker, June 3, 1906; Bruce Dern, June 4, 1936; Kenny G., June 5, 1956; Sandra Bernhard, June 6, 1955; Liam Neeson, June 7, 1952.
Life should cool off a little now that the second eclipse this month is over and also the full moon. Summer begins on a note with Mars now in Gemini until July 13. So Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces be forewarned, tempers could boil over around you. The wise will count to 10 before they have anything to say. Otherwise, you could find yourself in the middle of a disagreement and you will be the one to pay the price.
Aries (March 21 to April 20) Mars has moved into Gemini and is making a nice aspect to your sun. You might want to review your future agenda and pitch some angles that will save you time and make you some money. A longtime friend could also come back into your life and really be a divine aid in your latest scheme. So watch out and stay calm.
Taurus (April 21 to May 20) Life could calm down just a little as you venture out into greener pastures. The new people you are meeting could become strong influences in your future. Don’t take anyone or anything too seriously until you have really thought about your latest projects and where you want them to go. Success is looking you in the eye – just remember that bit of info.
Gemini (May 21 to June 20) So now you are dealing with Mars and that means you could be making some decisions concerning your future and exactly where you want to take yourself. Just remember as one door closes another opens. So don’t look back. It is seriously a time to move forward on the wings of Mars. That means you have the energy and now you make the money to go with it.
Cancer (June 21 to July 20) It is time to review your needs and let go of trying to control anyone else’s needs. The real program here is to watch what you have to say about anyone else. That means you need to concentrate on you and what you want in your future. You live your life that way and you will never stop smiling. It is time to make the change.
Leo (July 21 to Aug. 20) If no one has warned you to tone things down, then consider this a warning. You need to take yourself in a new direction. Stop trying to use your old ways to change things in your life. Try a totally different agenda and you will find life working at a much faster pace and it will be much more to your liking. A pal will be of real help if you let him. Otherwise you will continue your journey basically alone.
Virgo (Aug. 21 to Sept. 20) Just because a few people in your life act like they might jump ship it is no reason for you to act like you are walking on eggs. Mind your manners and don’t believe everything you hear. If you believe you are the captain of the ship then everyone else will follow. Remember, few people leave a winner. Keep expecting help and have faith. There is no way you can lose.
Libra (Sept. 21 to Oct. 20) Your good friend is thinking of you but unable to communicate yet. So remember the friendship and don’t get caught up in nonsense because of a lack of communication. A new source of spirit will come to your attention and you will grab it with both hands if you are smart. This is a week of divine intervention and you should listen.
Libra (Oct. 21 to Nov. 20) Your emotional life should calm down now that the full moon is passed and your life is getting back to normal. The things you have accomplished in the past year are awesome and should put you in the driver’s seat for months to come. So take advantage of the events, but remain kind and calm. In that way your life, which has turned upside down, will remain tiptop.
Sagittarius (Nov. 21 to Dec. 20) As a result of the recent eclipse, you should be preparing for some changes that are about to hit around you. If you are ready, you will be out of where you are now very soon. Just remember you know exactly what you are doing and where you are going. Also realize no one can take your place, so accept your new life and smile.
Capricorn (Dec. 21 to Jan. 20) One way to look at the events of last week would be to accept the change of pace and smile. Don’t let anyone stand in your way now that you have your latest drama under control. A new face on the scene could become important in your life, so stop talking about it. Just let things happen around you. In that way no one can blame you.
Aquarius (Jan. 21 to Feb. 20) The adventures of this week should put you in a good frame of mind. You can expect a few odd events as a result of the recent eclipse but nothing you are not able to handle and deal with well. Some of your old buddies would love to hear from you. Take some time out and stay in touch. Otherwise you will break a few hearts and you could end up alone.
Pisces (Feb. 20 to March 21) Keep yourself busy by finishing up some of the jobs you have left undone. A new friend could turn out to be an important part of your future, so keep this in mind every time you meet someone new in the next couple of weeks. Also, realize you are now involved in one of the most creative periods of your entire life. That means don’t ignore any new ideas that pop up.
Flo Higgins is an astrologer. Her email is