9/20 – Groundbreaking Tuesday for Child County Advocacy Center Phase 2


FREEHOLD – Monmouth County will break ground at noon Tuesday, Sept. 23, for the second phase of the Monmouth County Child Advocacy Center.
The groundbreaking will start of the final phase of construction for the Child Advocacy Center, which will include an onsite pediatric forensic medical suite, nurse’s office, interview room and group and individual therapy rooms. When the project is complete, the County’s Child Advocacy Center will provide a safe haven for children who are victims of child abuse.
Representatives from the Monmouth County Child Advocacy Center, Board of Chosen Freeholders and the Prosecutor’s Office will be in attendance.
The Monmouth County Child Advocacy Center is located at 1000 Kozloski Road. Those attending the ceremony are asked to park in the Monmouth County Agricultural Building parking lot.