Clementine Cycling Studio Brings High-Energy Workout to Fair Haven


By Torri Singer
FAIR HAVEN – Clemen­tine Cycling Studio is open for business in the borough.
The new workout studio opened its doors and bike seats just two months ago at 611 River Road. Rumson resident Effie Drossman co-owns the studio with husband Dave. Drossman, who formerly worked the Wall Street grind on the trading floors for more than a decade, found solace in cycling and decided to turn a passion into a pursuit.

Effie Drossman, owner of Clementine Cycling Studio.
Effie Drossman, owner of Clementine Cycling Studio.

“It’s your time, it’s your ride. Make it count,” said Drossman, who believes that in the busy daily shuffle, cycling is a great energy release and high-powered workout for the person on the go.
The space is small and sleek with 16 bikes for riders and a signature orange door to welcome customers to their vigorous spinning-class workout.
Drossman, who believes their locality is part of their appeal, is not worried about size or larger competitors. “We’ve had a really positive community response,” she said.
Nadine Wellaver, center, leads a group in the Body Spin Ride class.
Nadine Wellaver, center, leads a group in the Body Spin Ride class.

Lending to the studio’s love of supporting all things local, Clementine Cycling Studio is hosting an all-day ride-a-thon Friday, May 24, to benefit Sea Bright Rising efforts to rebuild the beach town devastated by Hurri­cane Sandy. Those interested can ride for one to six hours, with a fundraising goal of $100 per rider per hour. Drossman is working with co-executive of the nonprofit, Ilene Winters, to help aid in the recovery effort.
A second cycling fundraiser event for Sea Bright Rising will take place at 6 p.m. Wednesday, June 5, for those who may have missed the May event.
As for anyone who may be weary of the traditional workout, Drossman says all are welcome, and encourages beginners to take a seat – on a bike, that is. “Come and go at your own pace. The beauty of this workout is you work as hard as you can but listen to your body. I don’t want anybody to be intimidated by the ride,” Drossman said.
For more information on Clementine Cycling Studio, please contact 732-784-7735, visit or contact the owner at