Talking Turkey: A Buying Guide


Sickles Market, Little Silver offers the following fresh whole turkeys:

Murray’s – family farmed and naturally raised in Pennsylvania, antibiotic-free, no additives, preservatives or flavor enhancers, 100 percent natural, juicy and tender $3.69 pound;
New Jersey’s  Griggstown Quail Farm offers two types of turkey for the Thanksgiving and Holiday seasons – both are 100 percent natural with no additives, antibiotics or hormones –  The white turkey is a traditional breed that most individuals are used to, $4.69. By special order only – Griggstown’s Red Bourbon turkey – a heritage bird that has not been crossbred to enhance its size. The Red Bourbon takes longer to grow and is a smaller, leaner bird with darker meat, but there is still enough white meat to satisfy everyone. Despite its leaner disposition, the Red Bourbon turkey does not have a gamy taste, but does, in some inexplicable way, taste better. All turkeys are raised outside and are truly free range birds.
D’artagnan Certified Organic Free-range Turkey. Raised on a diet of nothing but 100% whole organic grains and pure spring water, with no protein supplements, added poultry or fish byproducts, pesticides or herbicides. Additionally no antibiotics, growth hormones or arsenicals are administered and the birds benefit from an environment that never uses artificial light. Adherence to these principles led to the first approval by the USDA for free range labeling, as well as to Organic Certification in 1990 by the Northeast Organic Farmer’s Association. $5.99 pound. The cut off for Thanksgiving D’artagnan and Griggs town is Nov. 14. 
(732) 741-9563
Whole Foods Market, Middletown, sells only antibiotic- and hormone-free turkeys. with no added solutions or injections. A variety of turkeys, including organics, Heritage and kosher, are available and can be pre-ordered.
(732) 758-1688
Dearborn Market, Holmdel, sells DiPaola free range turkeys and Eberly organic free range birds.
(732) 264-0256