1/28 – DEP to Release Peregrine Falcon in Highlands Today


HIGHLANDS – The state’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) today will release back into the wild a peregrine falcon, rehabilitated from its injuries, to highlight the resurgence of falcons, ospreys and bald eagles in the state.
Representative from the DEP’s Division of Fish and Wildlife will release the bird at noon on the grounds of the Twin Lights of the Navesink Historic Site, Lighthouse Road, according to the division.
Park staff also will offer a history of the Twin Lights location, which sits atop of a 200-foot bluff, with a view of the Atlantic Ocean and Sandy Hook Bay.
The division will have endangered species experts on hand to discuss the ongoing recovery of birds of prey in the state, as well as the effect of the Endangered Wildlife Fund state income tax check-off, located on 1040 tax forms, is having on the animals’ recovery and protection.
The falcon is a young male bird injured while migrating from Canada. Falcons like this one can dive at speeds approaching 200 miles per hour while hunting. They, and other species, can be found in habitats across the state