Fitness for Everyone


By Dan Weltman
Finding a program to keep fit can be a challenge but here are some thoughts on how to start a healthy, sustainable exercise program.
 Fitness goals should be attainable and you should have some forethought and preparation for each workout. If you’re coming off the couch, there are some factors to keep in mind.
Your body may feel fine when not exercising, but many people experience injuries from the first couple of workouts. Who wants to warm up slowly and properly when you can just jump on a treadmill or lift some weights? The truth is that an exercise program should start with some foam rolling (for self-massage to release muscle tightness), then progress to some dynamic stretching and low impact heart rate elevating exercises.
After muscles are warmed up and body temperature is elevated, the body is better prepared to handle smart exercise stress. Injuries are what most often keep people from reaching their fitness goals.
Starting out with lofty or unattainable goals compounded with an injury is a recipe for failure. An adage to remember is that a body in motion stays in motion, unless it has a sprained ACL or torn meniscus.
Not to get too philosophical, but we know for a fact that a better diet and regular exercise combats a plethora of diseases and helps you live a healthier happier life. Improving your appearance and the way you feel is inevitable only with consistent smart exercise. The point is that it’s hard to get in shape and maintain a healthy, focused mindset with reoccurring or initial injuries. Doing what you can to prepare the body for what you’re asking it to do is a recipe for success!
The other thing to keep in mind that is vital to a good exercise experience is proper fuel. This is a broad complex topic, but generally speaking, a light meal consisting of low-glycemic carbs approximately 1 to 1-1/2 hours before exercise is ideal for most. Even with the perfect pre-workout meal, that plus exertion can lead to mild or moderate nausea, especially in a de-conditioned state. Sometimes it takes a few workouts to learn how certain foods react with your body when followed by exercise. You want your blood sugar level and have some stored fuel, but beyond that there are too many factors affecting dieting considerations to generalize. One tip however: Water must reach body temp to pass through stomach. Cold water has a tendency to slosh around and cause a stomachache. Try drinking water at room temperature to help avoid nausea and cramps.
Another thing to keep in mind: accountability when starting an exercise program, makes it easier to stay consistent. There are many different fitness professionals with many different philosophies on how to get fit. Beyond credentials, personality and energy should be determining factors when choosing a personal trainer. Can this person motivate and inspire you to help reach your goals? Also make sure you trust the way your body feels. The best trainer with the most credentials and kinesthetic awareness still doesn’t know how your body feels and responds to exercise. If it feels wrong, chances are it is wrong for your body. It might even be just that particular exercise or just that session. Either way, voicing your concern allows your fitness professional to make a better decision based on how an exercise is affecting you. Good pain must be separated from bad pain.
Exercise keeps people feeling passionate and grounded. Readers should be encouraged and inspired to know that there is a way for anybody to get and stay in shape.”
Dan Weltman, who owns and operates Rumson Personal Fitness with his wife Darleen, has been working with clients to get their desired results for more than 25 years