Letters and Commentary


Take Advantage of North Monmouth Businesses Discount Program
To the Editor:
The Northern Monmouth Chamber of Commerce (NMCC) is sponsoring a shop-local movement called Shop Our Shore to help support the businesses in Monmouth County affected by Super Storm Sandy.
For the weekend of March 15, 16 and 17, participating businesses will offer a 20 percent discount on goods and services. It is free for businesses in Northern Monmouth County to participate. The chamber is paying for all of the advertising. A list of participating businesses is available on the Shop Our Shore Facebook page and on the NMCC website at northernmonmouthchamber.com.
Shoppers must simply mention Shop Our Shore, bring in an ad from the paper or show the Facebook page to obtain the discount.
Following Hurricane Sandy, many local businesses suffered monumental losses and this economy was crippled. We decided that we needed something big and we needed it now.
Shop Our Shop includes the towns:
Atlantic Highlands
Union Beach
Sponsors of Shop Our Shore include:
Keyport IHOP
Provident Bank
Red Bank Limo
United Check Chasing in Hazlet
Airport Plaza in Hazlet
Belle Vista Country Club
Wulach Commercial Group
Lea Shave
Executive Director
Northern Monmouth Chamber of Commerce
Holt: Governor’s Expanding Medicaid ‘Makes Sense’
To the Editor:
I am pleased to learn that Governor Christie has announced that New Jersey will expand Medicaid coverage.
As I have expressed to Governor Christie previously, expanding Medicaid coverage in New Jersey makes sense.
Funded in full by the federal government for the first three years, this expansion is estimated to provide health care coverage for nearly 300,000 New Jerseyans – especially low-income, childless adults – who currently do not have access to affordable health insurance.
Not only will Medicaid expansion result in greater health security for many in New Jersey, it also will result in substantial health-care savings for our state.
One of the reasons I supported health-care reform is because it was designed to provide every individual – regardless of preexisting conditions, income level, age, or gender – a comprehensive and affordable health insurance option.
Tuesday’s announcement brings us one step closer to that goal.
U.S. Rep. Rush Holt
N.J. 12th Congressional District
U.S. Must Care for Sandy Victims Ahead of Those in Other Countries
To the Editor:
President Obama expressed lofty goals for the United States in his State of the Union.
A glaring omission: The wrath of Super Storm Sandy which affected more than 1.4 million tristaters to the tune of $80 billion. The devastation occurred almost four months ago, and despite promises from Washington of immediate relief, many of the victims are still displaced.
Ironically, we are still talking “how to” and “how much” it will take to go about repairing the damage.
Against this tug-of-war for funds a notable irony persists: The people and families affected, even those hardest hit, have demonstrated only perseverance, hope and resilience.
The display of that attitude stands in stunning contrast to many of the people and leaders of the more than 20 nations to whom the United States gives aid. Many of these nations who collectively receive more than $44 billion yearly for military and socioeconomic relief may actually hate us.
What is required to offset the devastation of Sandy’s wrath? For as many years as is necessary, pay all American citizens who were hit by Superstorm Sandy 100 percent of the costs arising from the damages. At the same time, with climate change a certainty, also allocate funds toward initiatives that will protect not only New Jersey and New York, but also other areas to prevent this degree of devastation from recurring.
If the United States does not have the money to send to other nations while taking care of its own – if as a country we must curb our aid to foreign countries – so be it. Sometimes extreme difficulties can afford the best of life’s lessons.
The lessons learned here: It is time for America to stand united and undivided by politics, religion, social issues or class hatred. With unprecedented tornados in the Midwest, earthquakes in the East now as well as in the West and storms of Sandy’s magnitude hitting the southeastern, south central and now northeastern coasts, no American is immune from nature’s wrath.
All we want right now is that our homes be repaired or replaced and measures put in place to protect and safeguard geographically vulnerable Americans from further devastation!
The time has come to care for American citizens – all Americans – who have worked and saved throughout their lives to provide for their families and themselves, responsible citizens who love and support the United States.
Gerard M. St-Cyr
Long Branch
Veteran’s Can Learn About Benefits During Trip to the Mall
To the Editor:
Veterans can learn more about benefits or entitlements that they could be eligible to receive just by visiting the Monmouth Mall on March 19 – 21.
The New Jersey Depart­ment of Military and Veterans Affairs will be bringing benefit information to “those who served” as part of the Veterans Outreach Program to the mall located at Route 35 in Eatontown from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. each day.
On Tuesday, March 19 at 11 a.m. there will be a presentation of the New Jersey Distinguished Service Medal and other state service medals to eligible veterans in the mall food court.
The One Mall a Month traveling information kiosk will be staffed with a veterans’ service officer in the mall for three days. The goal is to inform as many veterans and their families of all the benefits that they may be eligible to receive from the state and federal governments.
Veterans who miss the opportunity to visit the mall kiosk can call the department’s toll free benefits information line any time at 1-888-8NJ VETS.
Kryn P. Westhoven
Public Affairs Officer
N.J. Department of Military and Veterans Affairs
Kyrillos Applauds Governor’s FY 2014 Budget
To the Editor:
Sandy is not the only challenge New Jersey faces this year, but it is our state’s most important. Rebuilding is vital to our state’s long-term economic health and prosperity, and to the quality of life and financial stability of those who lost so much in the storm.
I applaud Governor Christie’s focus on recovery in Tuesday’s budget message.  If a budget is a statement of our government’s priorities, this budget and the speech in which it was presented show that rebuilding stronger and smarter than before is priority number one for New Jersey.
Senator Joe Kyrillos
R- Monmouth
Two River Moment
This photo is of the old bridge between Rumson and Sea Bright, possibly taken during the late 1940s. The bridge was replaced in the early 1950s by the present span over the Shrewsbury River. Plans and discussions about the replacement of the present bridge are now in progress.