Sandy Hook Development


Re: November 16 – 22, 2023 article ‘Daunting’ Financial Gap Slows Fort Hancock’s Officers’ Row Rehabilitation

The National Park Service’s drive to commercially develop Sandy Hook under the guise of historic preservation has always been a terrible idea. (“ ‘Daunting’ Financial Gap Slows Fort Hancock’s Officers Row Rehabilitation”)

New Jersey’s coast is grotesquely over built and overcrowded.  As an antidote, Sandy Hook should be a place to experience the natural world as deeply as possible, not a place for a NY developer to create 80+ luxury apartments for private use.

Not only is privatizing Officers’ Row terrible public policy, it is now clear that it’s terrible fiscal policy. A NPS spokeswoman has announced that the  Stillman Group will need at least $100 million to convert the buildings of Officers’ Row to apartments, which they would lease for a profit. The Stillman Group is only willing to spend

$50 million, Apparently, the NPS thinks the U.S. taxpayers should pony up the missing $50+ million. The spokeswoman states, “We have to figure out how to get some more government investment here.”

I’m sure the Stillman Groups thinks that is a great idea.

Bob Hespe
Atlantic Highlands

This article originally appeared in the December 7 – 13, 2023 print edition of The Two River Times.