Newcomers Club to Hold Sea Bright Rising Benefit


The Newcomers Club of Rumson, Fair Haven, Little Silver and Shrewsbury is hosting a fundraiser on March 22 to benefit Sea Bright Rising, a nonprofit organization devoted to the relief of displaced residents and general recovery of the town of Sea Bright as a result of Super Storm Sandy.
The event will be held at 8 p.m. Saturday, March 22, at the EvenTide Grille in Sea Bright.
Tickets are on sale now for the fundraiser. Admission is $65 in advance and $75 at the door and includes two drink tickets, passed hors d’oeuvres, live music by Enjoy!, March Madness and being able to participate in a wine pull, silent auction and chance auction.
Additional information about the event is available by visiting or emailing event cochairs at and
The Newcomers Club, established in 1972 for the residents of Rumson, Fair Haven, Little Silver and Shrewsbury, is a social and charitable organization. The club provides its members with social events, charitable endeavors and services to smooth the transition to the community.