Readers Applaud The New TRT


Reader Enjoys TRT’s New ‘Sparkle’
What a joy to finally have such a lively local newspaper; every page has a sparkle. While we still enjoy the excellent movie and travel reviews, so much more has been added of interest to the community. The Town Journal is a great feature listing in depth the variety of events available to your readers. I particularly applaud your emphasis on young people and their activities including sports, the arts and academic achievements. There is now a personal feeling to the paper which is greatly appreciated.
Many thanks from a grateful reader,
Linda McKean, Rumson
Former Subscriber Appreciates New TRT and Renews
Just a quick note to say thank you to the new owners of the TRT. I had stopped my subscription after years of membership when the former owners cut out the movie listings. Why, I have no idea. Everyone I know turned to the movie site for all information about local listings. When I learned it had been reinstated I also resubscribed. So thank you for that.

Also, the whole paper seems to have taken on a brighter, cheerier, more inclusive appearance. I especially enjoyed Jody Calendar’s To Our Readers column on the upcoming St. Patrick’s Day doings in Rumson this year. Her story of her uncle who went down in the Titanic, but not before saving the life of a woman passenger, was especially inspiring. What a great heritage!
I also very much enjoyed the article by Muriel Smith on how the animals are faring in this frigid weather. I’ve been wondering and worrying about their survival, and the article was reassuring as well as very informative.
Though I have no small children any longer I’m sure the young area mothers are appreciating the insert devoted to Kids and what they can do in the summer to come.
Keep up the good work. I look forward to more of the same high quality.
Nancy L. Molineux, Red Bank