RFH Marching Band Doesn’t Miss A Beat


Photos by Patrick Olivero

RUMSON – Friday Night Lights isn’t just about the football players. Marching bands, like Rumson-Fair Haven’s Marching Bulldogs, support their teams from the stands and take to the field to perform for the crowds during halftime. Many of these bands also battle it out in marching band competitions around New Jersey.

These shows are truly a work of passion and athletic prowess. Training starts in the summer during band camp where students spend many a hot summer day learning the music and choreography they will perform once the season begins. The show is then fine-tuned throughout the fall.

“Marching band is a place where you get to play great music and perform, show your school spirit, feel pride in your work, and make lasting friendships,” said Sara Marino, RFH’s band director.

Students are guided by faculty, support staff and an army of parent volunteers ready to assist when needed. Advisors work with directors to help hone the different sections of a band. Parents assist with bringing equipment out onto the field, run band dinners and are a huge part of the passion these students have.

These photos were taken during a Silver Showcase competition Oct. 5 at Jackson Memorial High School featuring a dozen marching bands from around New Jersey.