Resident Argues for Jetsun Marine Park Proposal

Dear Editor:
I think it would be a huge mistake for Red Bank to go with any proposal other than the Jetsun Enterprises proposal for Marine Park.
I am 37, married with two young daughters and live within walking distance to downtown Red Bank. When my wife and I were looking to put down roots somewhere, we looked all over the state. Although we looked in and around towns like Montclair, Westfield, New Providence, Maplewood and other similar towns, we decided that Red Bank has several things that these other towns simply do not: (i) the riverfront; (ii) diversity; and (iii) POTENTIAL. All the other towns I mentioned: they are crowded, overbuilt, overpriced and their downtowns are pretty static. Red Bank on the other hand is a riverfront community with local institutions with an artistic history. I think a vote for the Jetsun Enterprises proposal is an investment in Red Bank’s future and in the people and community members who have the ability to foster Red Bank’s continued growth and prosperity.
I practice commercial real estate law as in house counsel for real estate owner/developers in New York. (FULL DISCLOSURE: I have no business affiliation or interest in the Jetsun Enterprises project or business). In real estate there’s a concept known as “highest and best use” – meaning is the property, given its location, local demographics and environmental considerations reaching its optimal potential? Even if you could argue that Jetsun’s proposal is not “highest and best” in the truest sense of the words, it’s clear the other proposals are certainly not nearly as optimal given the local demographics and environment. For starters, let’s agree that if keeping and updating the clay courts were a viable option, someone would have done it by now and we wouldn’t be considering repurposing the site. So, that leaves the Jetsun proposal and the proposal known as the Marine Park Activity Center (MPAC) which is being proposed collectively by the Navesink River Rowing club and the Navesink Maritime Heritage Association. Their proposal includes a boathouse which will be open year round and specifically “during November-April, various indoor activities can take place: boat repairs/refurbishing, skills development sessions, meetings/presentations, and social events.” Although the proposal is very clear that the MPAC is open to the public (which I believe it absolutely will be) you have to ultimately be interested (at least nominally) in boating, rowing and other maritime activities. This would be a fraction of a demographic of the community. Lastly, the business that would be generated by percentage of a section of the community interested in maritime activities is insignificant, as the proposal does not seem intended to “draw people to Red Bank,” which is something in which local businesses have a vested interest.
The Jetsun Enterprises proposal involves a miniature golf course, an outdoor ice rink, outdoor concessions, mini-boardwalk area and a boat launch, all of which is intended to be open year round and punctuated with various seasonal fairs, festivals and celebrations. The Jetson contingency has been very vocal about the intent to have an “all-inclusive family destination” at the Jersey Shore competitive with Long Branch’s Pier Village and the Asbury Park boardwalk.
This segues into my conclusion: My family and I ARE Red Bank’s future. The shore area is a great place to raise a family and having a family destination in our back yard will keep us here. MPAC’s goal was to foster appreciation of the river, and the Jetsun proposal draws all people to riverfront regardless of preconceptions and demographics.
– Greg Borak
River Plaza section of Middletown