Letter: We Must Make Clean Water A Priority

Contributed by Thomas Rule
We as Americans have been blessed with an abundance of natural resources. One of our most important natural resources has been our fresh water supply.
Around the world alarming water crises are happening. Peru, Iran, South Africa and India are experiencing severe water shor tages. These situations not only cause severe hard- ships for their citizens but also are causing mass migrations and political upheaval.
Some of these water crises are partially caused by poor management but a large part of the cause is climate change. We in New Jersey as well as many parts of the United States will face a shortage of fresh water.
I recently came across an article from “Time” magazine from January 1970 where a dean from Penn State warned about “major shifts in the earth’s climate.” He attributed this shift to the 800 million tons of pollutants put into the atmosphere. Some scientists knew almost 50 years ago we were affecting a change in our climate.
A fee on CO2 and other greenhouse gases must be imposed this year. This approach is advocated by responsible people of all political affiliations. We must strongly encourage our government officials from President Trump to all members of the Republican controlled Congress to take this desperately needed action now. We as custodians of the earth owe ourselves and future generations a source of clean water as well as all the other benefits that will accrue from stopping the tons of pollutants being pumped into the air. Imposing a fee will be a major step in the right direction.
Thomas Rule,
Little Silver